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yeah those are his school/volleyball friends. if you remember they were the team that coach ukai called when he was trying to decide whether to coach karasuno or not and asahi and nishinoya played together and talked it out. ughh i still have to look away every time yamaguchi does his serve. if i were him i would never show my face ever again. it’s very nerve wracking to be called to serve and missing it. but at least we will see his growth and be proud of how good of a pinch server he becomes. no spoilers but if you think the last few minutes were exciting, next episode will have you insane

Ko Paszh

Yes please continue with haikyuu!! There is a movie/OVA (sometimes 2) in between seasons but most of the first couple movies are just recaps of the actual season with extra bonus clips here and there. I’ll try to find if there’s a YouTube video of any extra clips you would need to watch before season 2. I don’t think there’s any but I’ll let y’all know. —— So in Japan high school is only 3 years. So 3rd years (equivalently to 12th graders) are graduating after this year. Many 3rd years don’t stay on the team to compete for the spring tournament at the end of the school year (school starts in April and ends in March) because they prepare for college entrance exams etc. Date tech’s 3rd years for example will not be staying on the team. But some do decide to stay on the team. Especially if they don’t plan on going to college/plan to pursue volleyball professionally straight out of high school. —— Oikawa will insult someone and give them such high praise in the same breath 😂 —— The pressure on Yamaguchi! It’s the poor dude’s first official game and at such an important moment. And he was already feeling sad because he’s the only 1st year who isn’t a starter. —— GOOSEBUMPS!! This match is long but it definitely does not feel like it. Volleyball is one only the few sports I watch cause it’s so fast paced and dynamic.

Ko Paszh

I know, it must’ve been so hard for Yamaguchi! But at least he’s got a great team that doesn’t fault him for it and encourages him to do better next time.


The ova u need to watch before season 2 is THE ARRIVAL OF HAIBA LEV. It introduces a new character who will appear in s2 and it is not a recap movie. It's a must watch between s1 and s2. There is an end credit scene in ep 24. TBH, s1 is quite tame so it's more hype coming moving forward

Ko Paszh

Dang you’re right! Idk why but for some reason I thought it happened later but yes Lev genzan ova is between s1 and s2. I also think it’s a must watch and provides more insight into the Nekoma team!