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Suga getting his time to shine I love it! And more great ✨CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT✨ —— No Hinata wasn’t subbed out. When Hinata/Tsukishima rotate to the back line Nishinoya switches with them because their receives aren’t the best. Libero’s going in and out are not considered substitutions. And when they rotate back to the front line they go in to increase the attack and block height. —— Yeah last touch was hinata’s block. The seijoh libero didn’t seem to touch it after that. I don’t see a change in direction/momentum as the ball goes out which would happen if the libero got his hand under it. Definitely need a VAR to confirm but I guess we’ll take their word for it lol. —— Official international rules say you can only substitute a starting player once per set and 6 substitutions total are allowed per set. Kageyama started the 1st set and we subbed him for Sugawara. We could’ve brought him back in during that set. Instead, we decided to have Sugawara start the 2nd set. We subbed him out for Kageyama and again, technically we could also bring Suga back in later this set if we wanted. And once you sub someone out the only way for them to return to the game is by subbing out the same person that substituted them. For example, it would’ve been an illegal sub if Kageyama went back in the first set to replace Tsukishima. USA rules are wild though I think they get 12 subs and no limit on how many times you sub out starting players. —— It really is such a different dynamic with Sugawara. He knows his own weaknesses and knows his team members well which are all things Kageyama needs to learn. Also love that the team assures him in different ways that they won’t abandon him like his last team and is helping him improve how he sees the game. Sugawara’s assuring words. Hinata basically nagging him. Ennoshita getting his first real lines telling him to trust his spikers more and to give them a ball they can hit at their 100%. So many characters and just a little more of their personalities are revealed in this game. Definitely one of my favorites for sure. ——


kageyama is an overwhelmingly talented player which is why he is called a prodigy. however his game play is based on his own techniques and doesn’t take into consideration how the other team plays because he believes he can beat that regardless. suga however is a more strategic player as his skills don’t stand out in comparison to other setters. he needs to read his own team and the other team well in order to overcome what’s holding them back. which is something that kageyama lacks and we can see that by watching how suga plays he is starting to actually notice how the other team plays as well. hence why he made a comment on how kindaichi’s (from aoba johsai) timing for his quick attack was slow. last episode and this episode they’ve mentioned how karasuno’s spikers could be better if they were able to play 100%. so they’re really setting in motion kageyama’s development as a setter and that talent is not the only thing he needs in court. he has yet to develop his strategy and communication. and also mentioning communication, hinata mentions to kageyama how he got uncharacteristically quiet during the game and it was unsettling. something that kageyama was surprised because he didn’t realise he was quiet. it’s good that he is in a team that isn’t afraid to talk to him and call him out, specially hinata.


Yes! And we also see how receptive Kageyama is to these criticisms. He’s acknowledging them and observing how others play to see how he can improve.