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“you always got to check your camera” bro you haven’t checked yours in over 5 minutes 😭 every school club needs to be supervised by a teacher even if the teacher knows nothing about the club. takeda is supposed to represent the audience by asking questions about plays and so on. this way explanations during games flow naturally in the scene instead of abruptly interrupting it. but he definitely tries his best to help the team as we’ve seen with him organising practice matches and bringing coach ukai. “who is this guy?” that’s yamaguchi. he’s tsukishima’s best friend so if you notice he is ALWAYS with tsukki. they got introduced together but the scene focused more on tsukki’s introduction so he was kinda in the background. he plays a small role initially but a bigger one later on. and also hinata and kageyama plan to play volleyball professionally so that’s why hinata said even if it’s 10 or 20 years he will defeat kageyama. eventually in the future when they’re playing professionally hinata hopes to play against kageyama in a match.

Ko Paszh

Takeda (the teacher in the green) is just a faculty advisor but is the head coach on paper. Since they didn’t have a coach the school brought him on to oversee the club. but since he doesn’t know anything about volleyball he recruited Ukai as his assistant coach (in writing) but practically, Ukai is the actual coach. You’ll soon see that Takeda is the one who has to officially call for timeouts and stuff during matches. His lack of volleyball knowledge also makes for great opportunities for exposition. —— The start of the Yamaguchi arc!! He’s the freckles guy you guys were like “who is he? a new guy?” But he’s not new, he’s Tsukishima’s friend and he played with him in the 3-on-3 match against Kageyama and Hinata. We’re gonna slowly get more insight on him too. He feels sad because out of the 4 first years he’s the only one who isn’t a starter so he’s looking to improve so he can at least have an opportunity to play in games even if he isn’t a starter. —— Lmaooo “she said 3 words and they were bawling”. It’s funnier cause in Japanese that was one word so she literally said one thing and they just burst into tears 😂 Fun fact: the Japanese word for fly and jump are the same. So it’s added symbolism that Hinata always says he’s not the best but he can “jump” and is now a part of Karusuno who is known as the crows that can’t “fly”. The old coach also said “because people don’t have wings, we look for ways to fly” when talking about the little giant. —— It’s okay if you don’t remember things or get everything at once. The good thing is the show does a good job of showing the callbacks so if you forget something they’ll show a little clip that’ll lead you to see why something is important. —— So we have Datekou (Date Tech) who we lost to last year and the team that blocked all of Asahi’s spikes. They have really tall players which makes them especially good at blocking hence “the iron wall.” Good catch btw David. Then we have Aoba Johsai that beat us at our first practice match. Oikawa (the great king) is an amazing setter but everyone on the team are some of the best all rounders in the prefecture. And finally Shiratorizawa, the team that rejected Kageyama and is the depending champion in the prefecture. They have Ushiwaka who is considered the best ace in the prefecture.