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I've been waiting for this since you revealed that you were going to watch it!!! So excited😍 This is not a BL drama so I don’t know where you got that from (I don’t think anyone said it was either)😂 There is some bromance tho but only in a friend type of way. I would say that the main subjects in this drama are friendship and school violence. There is a lot going on all the time, so if there is any details that you miss I’ll try my best to clarify what happened/is going on. But do try to focus on what's happening and the conversations😊 I’ve only watched it once, and only the first 4 episodes so far, so there’s probably stuff that I don’t pick up on or understand yet either. We’ll see if I decide to finish it beforehand, but I probably will😅 I think you missed it cause you were talking but before the PE class one of the bullies threw the main character’s PE clothes in the trash. When he was looking through his bag they even asked him in a mocking tone “did you lose something?”. Because of this he had to run in his school uniform since he had no change of clothes. During the slapping scene Park Ji-hoon, the guy playing Si-eun, wanted it to be realistic so he just went for it, full force and all. He slapped himself until his face was all red and swollen. If that’s not dedication then I don’t know what is. During the shoot no one actually knew that he was planning on hitting himself that hard so the reactions you see from everyone around him are genuine. They were shocked😂 I know Ji-hoon from Produce 101 season 2 and I followed Wanna One’s (the debuting group from the show) journey from beginning to end. I always saw him as this cute and bubbly guy so seeing him in this role mad my jaw drop! He looks like a completely different person!! Si-eun seems like a really cold person and I think that’s cause he puts so much effort and time into studying and getting good grades. He doesn’t want to waste any time on social activities, like hanging out with friends, so he doesn’t bother to make any. I wouldn't go as far as saying that every student hates him (like the bully said), I just think that his personality makes people stay away from him. All he ever do is study, in school, at home and he even goes to evening/night classes at an academy. This is why the bullies decided to attack his grades cause that's where it would hurt him the most. He didn't seem too affected with everything else they were doing and this annoyed them. They wanted to get a reaction out of him. Him getting a question wrong wasn't the only reason he got mad. It's cause he knew what they did and they ignored his warnings. And also, I find it so sad that they used the new guy. He is so traumatized from his past experiences at the last school so it's understandable why he would do anything and everything to prevent that from happening again. Obviously it is not right to do that to someone, I'm just saying I understand why he would do it. Can't wait for the rest of this drama cause it is gonna be a wild ride! Make sure to strap in😉


Thanks for the reaction. love you guys.


Don't know why you think this is an BL, but glad you watch this. You could say it has bromance aspects but it goes about quite dark stuff and requires a little more attention to catch some elements. PS: I just wanna mention that your background is showing through the video and makes it flimmer when there's movement in the screen. I noticed it a while ago on other videos and wanted to ask, if I'm the only one?


This isn't necessarily a BL, though there is alot of bromance, in the webtoon it does get hinted at a bit (fe. homophobes making commens about the main two and stuff) But I do like watching this show like it is a Bl because it's fun. However, it's a pretty serious show so I would advise ya'll to pay a bit more attention because one joke can make you miss a key point and leave you confused later on! Can' t wait for ya'll to see the rest of this show xo

Sam sam

I mean it’s pretty much a BL if you look at it the right way >:)

Sam sam

also most fans I know of this series would suggest it’s .. definitely fruity

Melissa O

Still in the middle of watching this, but paused to say fentanyl is a problem here in the US. It is very easy to OD on and one of if not the #1 killer of teens because of overdoses (adults too). It’s a highly addictive opioid. Got to be very careful with that one. Sorry to get all serious on you there 😔. This show is pretty serious though so… but also, this show is oh so good in all it’s seriousness 👍.


I realy wish this was bl bc like David and soon as they both met i shipped them also them slaps he did to himself we’re actually real no sound affects added it just proves how much of a good actor park jihoon is and the episode just get better and better in my opinion

Meruka Hinaru

"Is this a BL drama or not?" It isn't, but you for sure know in my mind it was a BL from start to finish haha I love this drama so much, you guys are up for A RIDE.

Meruka Hinaru

Also guys, I do suggest, at least for this drama, if you guys wanna talk, pause! I really don't mind you guys pausing whenever you want to talk, I actually enjoy your conversations and stories, but this drama in particular has many nuanced and little details that you might miss. You have us to tell you if you miss anything of course, but I feel you guys will have a better experience if you catch this details while watching the episode instead of reading the details in comments a week later! Is just a friendly suggestion tho haha I've seen this drama like 5 times, so I don't mind just talking and writing paragraphs here with details in case you miss them : D Also, the scene where Suho threw his shoe at the guy that was fooling around during PE class, was due to the fact that that guy and his bully friends were mocking the main lead, how he ran and the fact that he was last place. That's why Suho was fed up with them and threw his shoe at them, so they would stop with their bull and shut up, and this scene actually shows the viewer the power dynamics in their classroom. Very important info to take into account for later episodes!

Meruka Hinaru

I've seen Jihoon in 3 dramas: Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency At a Distance, Spring is Green and Weak Hero Class and i just LOVE the fact that the characters he does in those 3 are TOTALLY different from each other (tho all 3 of them have traumatic back stories) and I'm always in awe at how good he is and how much depth and detail he portrays each character with each time. He is one of the best actors out there in my opinion and I hope he continues acting for more years to come.