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i think the game they were doing is the roasting thing and back then, it was a lot harsher lol. That's why heechul got so popular, he wasn't afraid to be mean during the games. Usually idols hold back and stuff, but Heechul didnt care and even though he's shy here, you can see back then he had the knack for being a roaster lol.

krizhe ming

Wow, this was such a ride back to the past lol. The show was one of the oldest and famous k-variety show, X-Man. As you can see, that was where the respected MCs Yoo Jaesuk and Kang HoDong, including Park MyungSoo (Vernon's fave) were. You also have Kim Jongkook and HaHa there. Back then, only rising stars and artists with specific charisma are invited in the show. The "Dangyeonhaji (Of Course) Game" is a well-known game in kshows. You can tell anything, preferably embarassing or offensive stuff, towards your opponent and that person can only answer "of course!" like he/she agrees to whatever you said. The first one who can't reply or who gets offended is the loser. Since it was back in the days, regarding Heechul, the statement 'you're pretty' equals 'you're feminine, you look like a woman or gay'. They also mentioned he's called Cinderella, that was his nickname. Some netizens treat him as 'just the pretty face' in their group, Super Junior, someone who has no talent so they have him on variety shows for promotions. These all tend to be an insult back then. I always think of him being pretty as a compliment, and Heechul probably also did but, yeah. So, during the Of Course Game, they were actually attacking him too, not complimenting.


krizhe ming explained everything well, I don't have anything else to add :) BUT the first woman Heechul went up against is THE Chae Yeon, one of South Korea's divas in the early and mid 2000s! I listen to her 2004 hit song "Two of Us" pretty much every other day, it's just so good!!!