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Thank you for the upload!! I hope you both are doing alright!


Hey guys... Sorry, I can't stop whining about how they ruined that story 😭😭😭. It could've had so much more potential to be a great BL, if they had waited one more year to film it. By the way, I love how you giggle so much, when it gets kinda cutesy between them. You guys wouldn't be able to handle a real real BL 😂. Oooookay...more background info. Since it's an adaptation, I get my info out of the manhwa...or korean manga/webtoon, if this is easier. Sangwoo...damn, I could write a book about him. He is very stoic, which was well portrayed in the drama. But he is very logical and everything in life is linear for him. Everything has an order and there is always a reason. He suffers from selective memory loss (they never touch this in the drama). Means, he is banning every unnecessary information from his memory. In his case, it's faces and names. So he is pissing ppl off involuntarily. Love is nothing he can explain logically, so he tries to make his feelings reasonable and linear. So he uses words like "urge" but never love. He is even saying hurtful things without realising, that they are hurtful. Jaeyoung on the other hand is a very perceptive guy and very in tune with himself. Over time they balance each other out...but at the same time he is making it hard for Sangwoo bc he is giving mixed signals that Sangwoo can't put in order and cannot understand. What I hated was, that they showed Sangwoo without his cap in public (not the after the shower scene). So out of character for him. I am so sorry for these loooong comments but these characters are so dear to me 😭. Have a great day guys Love you 💜💜


the story isnt ruined tho its amazing yeah its not the sam as mangwa but no show will be totally same and seoham and jaechan did amazing job potraying these characters


also if they waited another year to film it seoham would be in militarry and nobady can potrey those characters better that seoham and jaechan


I think "ruined" is harsh lol, different? For sure! But that's why this is a show and the manhwa is the manhwa. It's okay for things to be different, and because this show was so great, it became internationally famous and opened a lot of doors for BL in SK. I think the good that came from SE live adaptation def outweighs everything else. It's definitely okay to prefer one interpretation over the other but to call one bad when they worked so hard on it and loved it is harsh.


I don't know where you read that the actors did a horrible job. I never mentioned the actors. Pls, don't put words in my mouth I didn't say. The script is a mess...2 dimensional...that's all I said. Read carefully...


To me it is. I don't know if you read the original. The manhwa is very complex. The drama is too fast paced and very 2 dimensional...in my opinion. I stated why, in comments before. They broke it down too much. I can differentiate between the show and the manhwa. But as an adaptation...it sucks, sorry. As a standing alone BL...bearable. I appreciate the success it had and how it opened doors. What I don't like is, how rushed it is and that it got the success under a name it can't live up to. Different, by the way, is the point...it's too different.

JM1K13 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-16 16:47:47 i can`t uwu i lovee BL dramas. Thanks for the reaction guys <3
2023-06-16 14:21:06 i can`t uwu i lovee BL dramas. Thanks for the reaction guys <3

i can`t uwu i lovee BL dramas. Thanks for the reaction guys <3