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As a P1iece I will try to explain what I know, so far in ties to the movie and P1harmoney. P1harmony stands for Plus 1 Harmoney, It means the 6 members come together as one to create an infinite amount of harmony in this world full of chaos. In the movie, everyone has some special abilities. The Ahssuji knew these kids were out there, so he went to the past, present, and future to find them, so that together they can bring this new upside-down world back to normal. We were first introduced to Jongseob (I just call him JB) and Theo. JB as the really smart kid, and Theo as the guy who "acts" cool and nonchalant. I'm not sure why they didn't really give Theo any cool abilities, but he still looked cool as always, lol. The Ahssuji in the future said they are the only kids alive. They found Soul who's a foreigner and also an immune. Which of course makes since we all know he's an alien irl (strange kid). With Keeho and Juing I think you guys understood the gist with them. The uncle doesn't want them to have their powers, I think he's behind the drone's creation. The Ahssuji in the past who they met shapeshifting in the bathroom...I...Don't...Know...Why. But he told them to follow the masked guy. Then they found out they needed to go to the future (for them, but present in the movie) year 2020, that's when they debuted. When covid was happening, as they mentioned with Eric. So Keeho and Juing need to go to the future in order to defeat this villian who will create Chaos/the drones that affect people. They met Intak and the little girl. The little girl has the ability to bring things to life. You can see dead plants come to life when she was around and the grass growing. Honestly, I think that already explains why she has a live stuffed animal lol. You guys are also correct the little girl(noona) is the same girl who died in the future, Intak met her in the present(2020) exactly when those Demons Killed her family. Then obviously Intak's power is that he can't die. Undefeated per usual. All the members are playing themselves, how you saw them in the movie is how they really are irl, minus the superpowers. Jb is a super smart kid, Soul is a strange kid, Theo always has the cool guy act, he is cool though... and so forth. But yeah! In conclusion! The Ahssuji went to find all of them to create a new beginning (hence the title) to bring ChaoS! I mean... Infinite harmony. For example, we saw how Jiung and Keeho became more powerful when they were using their powers together. So imagine the CHAOS...I mean InFinite Harmony( Man Autocorrect!) all 6 members could create together. That is the basic plot. This is an introduction movie, not an actual movie. It's (The beginning of the New World), meaning this is where their story begins it's not finished. Their music is where the storyline continues. Where they are together fighting to create harmony. I think the concept is really beautiful, and they put a lot of effort into their brand since this highly budged film Fnc created. You guys are valid for being confused about the plot though, I think most people were because there's just so much going on. A lot to unpack in it. I hope this descriptive essay made sense.


Okay, so I understand your disappointment. I think what helped me is knowing that this was supposed to be an introduction to their concept in general and knowing that a lot of kpop storylines can be vague in a way. They(companies) like to give stuff out in pieces through mv's, teasers, concept trailers, etc, and even with that, it can still be a little confusing. I did see connections from the movie to some of their MV's though. I would recommend the W+W(Welcome to +World) clips on their YT channel if you want to see some more connections BUT if you're not that into the storyline p1h does have a good amount of variety show content. They have shows on their YT called Saesak Harmony, Harmony Forest, and most recently one called Legendary Move which is reallly funny. I hope they can become more of a regular watch on your channel/Patreon!