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Been waiting for this! 🩷 I'll write more after watching. Thank you Kevin and David. 🩵


In the first round, Hoshi was so sure that Mingyu was the mafia, because the doctor (Jeonghan) and the policeman (Seungkwan) already revealed their roles. So they knew Mingyu was either the mafia or the thief. But Hoshi was the thief so he figured out Mingyu had to be a mafia. He told the others that he knew Mingyu was a mafia bcuz he wore glasses was just an excuse since he didn't want to reveal his role =)))) That was quick tho =))))

Klaudette De Guzman

It's hereee!! I know it's comeback week and there a LOT of content to react to so I hope you guys remember to rest and drink lots of water! And answering David's comment about watching almost every Seventeen content one day, heh. You are waaaay off there hahaha. We're GOING SEVENTY! Seventeen will produce content even when they're grandpa's already lmao. Just let me finish this episode and I'll link you to Carat's cheat sheet on all SUBBED Seventeen content. 😏

Archisha Joshi

aghhhh the don't lie series just keeps getting better !!!! hahahaha even though hoshi literally died during the first night he had such a big impact. Like i laughed really hard when hoshi just stood there and put the pieces of how they know the police , the doctor and he is the thief and because mingyu has a role he has to be the mafia and thescream of "IT'S MINGYU " after the realisation was pure comedy gold 🤌🏻🤣, i absolutely love how its always hoshi and mingyu its literally the highlight of don't lie series 😂.I don't think jeonghan ever loses lol like even in games that he loses in, it doesn't feel like a loss because before dying he's either made a deal with someone that he expects to win or the game that he lost isn't that important like istg it's noon jeonghan's world and we're just living in it 😂. the seungkwan dino rivalry cracks me up like seungkwan just randomly out of nowhere went like " i chceked dino he's the mafia " even though he didn't actually check and just kept giving him smirks after saying it 😂 they are my favourite duo i love them they have the perfect sibling relation 🤣. i also loved how wonwoo and dino kept suspecting each other beacause of the 'tape residue' and then cleared up the tension after they found out it was shua who got the money 😂😂. also sorry for confusing you in the the last video's comment by writing myungho ,so seo myungho is the8's korean name and xu minghao is his actual name actually while writing the previous comment i did think to myself that hopefully you know who "myungho" is and even thought of putting a little bracket but oh well i forgot hehe . can't wait for next monday hehehe also i have a little suggestion if you're continuing with the don't lie series soo the episodes kinda get a bit confusing to understand because the members lie so much lol so i'd suggest if you also read the brackets at important parts of the episode because the brackets makes it a little less confusing when the members are lying , hope you have a nice day !!! ciao

Priyanka Banerjee

Yes this was really quick thinking in Hoshi's part! The way he deduced this and didn't reveal his role.

Priyanka Banerjee

Haha guys the last Ep cookies, sorry haha🤭. Makes sense tho. It’s more impactful for us since we watched it on spot without knowing what’s next. 🤭 but now everything is out so… 😂 —— Anyways moving on to the Ep!!! Don’t Lie series yay! They even released a poster like wow! I really loved your Goose vs Duck 😂 This was a fun episode! Hoshi keeps adding animal friends haha. Have you seen his video with the bird? And Wonwoo and his labels 😂 and how we got a backstory at the end that there was a lot of things planned lol. Also I really loved how Hoshi deduced Mingyu’s role. And Woozi Wonwoo and DK group scene lol. And what’s funny is the place Wonwoo and Dino saw and kept suspecting eachother, there was no money there in the first place. 😂 Btw you guys haven’t sent Don’t Lie 3 right? You’ve just seen 1&2 I think. Also I saw the latest GoSe episode 😂 watching that one after don’t lie series would be good too I feel. 😂 —— Also kinda not related but last Sunday I went to a unofficial SVT Cup Sleeve Event where I stay. They played Don’t lie, Screaming in silence and Debate Night. Watching this Don’t Lie reaction reminded of that. And Since there were many people they mad us play in groups. They had told us we can either register for Don’t lie or screaming in silence. But they did a surprise debate night. I wasn’t selected for don’t lie (which I had registered for) so I did debate night instead. By the end of the debate night the organizers were saying SVT would be proud of us since we were so logically illogical lol. It was chaos! They didn’t think the debates would drag long but it was so crazy haha. 😂 I still remember the look at others faces when I did a crazy illogical rebuttal lol. I can’t believe such illogical sentences came out of my mouth lol. Also we had few people from each team every now and then, who would just stand up and go at the other teammember speaking, kinda like Hoshi don’t lie style haha, And then we’d have to calm them down and get them back. By the end 2 people were made to meditate to calm them down. Funnily they were the8 biased lol. It was FUNNNN haha. I went alone and didn’t know anyone (I’m a big introvert) but I ended up making so many carat friends hehe. Oh and in our don’t lie they could catch only 1 mafia so mafias won haha. (Sorry for the irrelevant story tho)

DAngeL (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 19:01:46 Myungho is The 8’s Korean Name like Minghao is his real name. In the end the winners are the Former CEO, the Current CEO, and Current CEO’s son. S.Coups revealing himself as the Mafia had me laughing. Him and Jeonghan are always teaming up with each other and both are shameless cheaters. Jeonghan cheats for pure entertainment and S.Coups cheats because he is competitive and wants to win, and I fine with that because that is how S.Coups is. I am amazed how Jeonghan and S.Coups got Woozi to go along with their plans. Too funny Hoshi as Snow White charming the geese. Goose & Cat support casts off the episode. Only SEVENTEEN would be serenading a goose. I hope you guys have fun watching the rest of Don’t Lie Series. They also made a Movie poster for the Don’t Lie Series and posted it on Twitter.
2023-04-25 00:49:09 Myungho is The 8’s Korean Name like Minghao is his real name. In the end the winners are the Former CEO, the Current CEO, and Current CEO’s son. S.Coups revealing himself as the Mafia had me laughing. Him and Jeonghan are always teaming up with each other and both are shameless cheaters. Jeonghan cheats for pure entertainment and S.Coups cheats because he is competitive and wants to win, and I am fine with that because that is how S.Coups is. I am amazed how Jeonghan and S.Coups got Woozi to go along with their plans. Too funny Hoshi as Snow White charming the geese. Goose & Cat support casts of the episode. Only SEVENTEEN would be serenading a goose. I hope you guys have fun watching the rest of Don’t Lie Series. They also made a Movie poster for the Don’t Lie Series and posted it on Twitter.

Myungho is The 8’s Korean Name like Minghao is his real name. In the end the winners are the Former CEO, the Current CEO, and Current CEO’s son. S.Coups revealing himself as the Mafia had me laughing. Him and Jeonghan are always teaming up with each other and both are shameless cheaters. Jeonghan cheats for pure entertainment and S.Coups cheats because he is competitive and wants to win, and I am fine with that because that is how S.Coups is. I am amazed how Jeonghan and S.Coups got Woozi to go along with their plans. Too funny Hoshi as Snow White charming the geese. Goose & Cat support casts of the episode. Only SEVENTEEN would be serenading a goose. I hope you guys have fun watching the rest of Don’t Lie Series. They also made a Movie poster for the Don’t Lie Series and posted it on Twitter.

Tara 아미_큐티_섹시_러블리 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 19:01:46 Hoshi really shines in this episode! Mingyu could only be either the thief or mafia, and the fact that Hoshi realised if he himself is the real thief, that makes Mingyu the actual mafia. PURE COMEDY. And he was so smart to divert the attention by saying that he knew Mingyu was the mafia 'because of his glasses'. Also I love how Scoups ignores all rules and immediately tells Jeonghan everything. Jeonghan = Seungcheol's rock. HAHA.
2023-04-25 12:31:20 Hoshi really shines in this episode! Mingyu could only be either the thief or mafia, and the fact that Hoshi realised if he himself is the real thief, makes Mingyu the actual mafia. PURE COMEDY. And he was so smart to divert the attention by saying that he knew Mingyu was the mafia 'because of his glasses'. Also I love how Scoups ignores all rules and immediately tells Jeonghan everything. Jeonghan = Seungcheol's rock. As it should be!

Hoshi really shines in this episode! Mingyu could only be either the thief or mafia, and the fact that Hoshi realised if he himself is the real thief, makes Mingyu the actual mafia. PURE COMEDY. And he was so smart to divert the attention by saying that he knew Mingyu was the mafia 'because of his glasses'. Also I love how Scoups ignores all rules and immediately tells Jeonghan everything. Jeonghan = Seungcheol's rock. As it should be!


And the biggest plot twist for this episode: It was Woozi all along. Who would've suspected that innocent looking man?? Our genius king producer. *sigh* I love Seventeen so much. 🥹

Ko Paszh

What’s funnier is how vernon joined in yelling mingyu is either the thief or the mafia BUT he knew that hoshi was the thief. So he could’ve also deduced it but he just completely forgot about hoshi lol And hoshi dying immediately after all that is also funny 😂