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Klaudette De Guzman

First of all, welcome back to GOSE! I bet you guys didn't expect EGO to be this thought out and we'll produced when Carats suggested it. This was a well timed reaction because I wanted to spill some tea about this episode. The Tea: A while ago this episode trended on twitter after an episode of NCT Dream's own content Dream loop: The last Midnight was published on YouTube. This was because the episode bore striking similarities with EGO which was published a few years ago. Mind you, EGO is a copyrighted original content that's why Carats and NCTzens who noticed this took to Twitter to ask SM what's happening. To this day, as far as I know, no explanation whatsoever came from SM or their prod team. 😮‍💨 For the most part though, most of the fans understood each other and everyone did their best not to involve the artists, except for a few, so that's something positive. Anyway really enjoyed this reaction I couldn't wait for you guys to reach the parts I knew would get a reaction out of you lmao. Also, it really would be best for you guys to watch GOSE til the end. Cookie clips tend to have Easter eggs about the next episode or further details about the current one. In this case it's the latter. Looking forward to more Gose! You guys should really catch up to 2023 it's AWESOME!!

Archisha Joshi

i'm a scaredy cat lol so i didn't really watch these episodes properly lol i watched it properly without skipping any chasing scenes for the first time and yayy haha! but wasn't this such a cool episode i absolutely love how they try so many different things in gose it just keeps getting more fun and entertaining !!!, can't wait for more seventeen reaction hehe have a good dayy !!!


Ego absolutely one of my favorites. It is like I am watching a Sci-Fi horror movie. SEVENTEEN deserves an Oscar. Love how S.Coups carried around a chain like he was going to use it as a weapon for protection in self defense. For me it is more like Dr. Arthur Kim as in Mingyu is the Doctor because Kim is Mingyu’s last name, so the person responsible for starting all the experiments and cloning is Kim Mingyu himself, and Siyu is either Dr. Kim’s accomplice or hostage. Me leaning more towards accomplice since Siyu was willing to betray Jeonghan and DK. By the way a Carat asked on Weverse for Subtitles for SEVENTEEN’s Weverse Live, and our General Alpha Leader S.Coups immediately responded, so as of now thanks to S.Coups SEVENTEEN’s Weverse Live are now equipped with Subtitles such Woozi’s recent Weverse Live in his Universe Factory and Seungkwan and Soobin from TXT also collaborated if you guys are interested watching some of SEVENTEEN’s Weverse Lives. S.Coups best Leader of SEVENTEEN and CARATS.

Priyanka Banerjee

First of all sorry for the long comment. --- I feel Ego caught you guys off guard haha. This was really amazing the planning the thought process and everything. --- Wonwoo was such an Ace in this. The way he was pacing and racking his brain! Wow. It's like he was playing a game and solving it. And he figured out the code with lesser clues. And the way he figured it out and threw everything he had and ran for the door yet was still caught. So close man so close. And like his clue was something that helped the next 2 teams. Also, I think you guys didn't notice, after Woozi was gone Wonwoo went to the door which had a mirror on the side, and it seemed like the mirror reflected a girl in a white dress with open hair and it wasn't there when Seungkwan went there next round. Many carats were like "WHAT WAS THAT?" Also, it was so cute how Woozi kept following Wonwoo and Wonwoo kept addressing him as Jihoon. ---- And Mingyu, I already knew he is logically good and I knew he would do well here. He was so amazing in GoSe Brainstorming episode. And the fact that by his turn it was almost 2-3 am. There is this GoSe episode called Going Commentary where they talk about previous GoSe eps and Mingyu mentioned this here. He was also like a few other members kept scaring him so he even just went without makeup and just wanted to get it over with. He did amazing that too at that late time. ---- And for Seungkwan and Vernon I kept thinking "Guys take the pictures" lol. Btw When they get the key from that man's hand who shouts? Apparently, the man shouted earlier for Seungkwan and Vernon's turn since Vernon started tickling his feet lol. And for Seungkwan at the time-lapse moment where he is searching alone, at one point you can see the researcher in the blue dress was actually waiting for him far away through the door. Then he chases Seungkwan lol. --- Also, Jeonghan and DK made me laugh. "Since we saved you..." lol. Hoshi and Dino, I think they were 1st and knew least. And Scoups clinging to Joshua was so cute. And the way he opened that door and ran and Joshua just followed wow. --- BTW I have watched Ego multiple times and have watched many other reactions hence there are these few extra things I picked up on multiple watches. A few other things I picked up might answer a few of your questions. Which are: 1. The person who encounters the blue-robed researcher doesn't die. The other member dies. The reason why this happens, I don't remember exactly. But I think I read somewhere it's because the one who encounters his memory becomes a clue later. IDK. 2. This we get to know in Mingyu's turn: a) There is a 30 min restriction (I am not sure if it's from the start or after the 1st encounter tho. And this is the reason the second member dies. And why Seungkwan was caught or Scoups or Hoshi and both Jeonghan and DK) b) The closet with the padlock, which has the chain cutter, which Wonwoo and Seungkwan and Mingyu opened. Once you open it you have less time I think. That's why Wonwoo was caught I guess and that's why I think Vernon was taken (since Seungkwan opened it). 3. The padlock password was 0042 which was part of the experiment number and the same everywhere on the records they kept reading. This is what Wonwoo figured out 1st. Later Boo and Gyu figured too. 4. The blood in the basement keeps increasing every turn and I think it is because each clone is caught and you know what. Also, I may be wrong but in Scoups turn we see a clone in the basement among the blood. I may be wrong but I think it was to imply Joshua, who was caught and Scoups went to the basement soon after that. I feel this could be wrong cuz Wonwoo had also gone to the basement after Woozi was caught (though later) but I don't think there was a body there so idk. Other members don't go to the basement after the 1st member is caught. 5. And I don't think Siyu is a clone. He is dressed differently. And the clones had the same dress. I guess he was just a variable. ------- There are many other things I don't know yet but there are a few things I caught. Though one thing that really puzzles me is the building structure lol. If I see out of the Ground floor door it feels like ground level. But even the outside of the Basement door feels like ground level lol. And I also really wanted to see Jun and The8's reaction. ------ To end it all, sorry for the long comment and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I loved how you guys were so into it haha.

Purple Spirit

The last time I watched this was when it first came out, and I still got jump-scared watching it again. Tbh at first i don't really get it but it was a fun watch during halloween. Anyways love you guys reaction and make it more bearable to watch it again!