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Priyanka Banerjee

@Kevin if you check out Rookie Cops on your own hope you like it. Do share how you felt. 💕 Guys The next ones gonna be even more lit! 😂🔥💯 Can’t wait for your reactions!

Ko Paszh

I’ve already watched this but I forgot what happens 😭 that cliffhanger is illegal

Ida Jansson

Yaay, been waiting for this all week!! I would love to see more Super Junior! They are one of the weirdest groups out there in my opinion (in a good way ofc). And maybe not necessarily their music, since you've already checked out some, but more of their variety stuff would be fun to see😊 I forgot to comment this on the last episode but we also reuse a lot of plastic bags (that you get from stores) here in Sweden for trash, carrying stuff or just storage. In my household we usually keep them until they break or become unusable in some other way. 

 When I went to Kenya last year we weren’t allowed to bring any plastic bags cause they have made single use plastic illegal (manufacturing, usage and importation). So every time we bought something they gave us reusable bags instead. This is mainly, from my understanding, because of the huge issue with trash everywhere. It was insane just how much trash there was along the side of the roads! Sad too see… But hopefully with this it makes it better. I can’t with IVE, they are so adorable😂 I love how everyone tried to mess with/convince Na PD that they were correct or bargain on what food to take away (like that one beer can)😂 And I have to agree with Jungmo, people do think alike.

 I always try to play along with these games but I barely get any of the answers correct. But it’s still fun. Can’t wait for the next episode!!