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Check ep 93 next time.Txt is always chaotic but this episode is something else.Title is from New Rules "Oh my oh my chaos chaos" instead of "my" there is "mime"


Happy new year guys! I’m always so surprised by Kai’s strength. I also wish I had ghost stories to share but unfortunately (or I suppose fortunately) I’ve never really had any kind of experience like that.


As for next To Do I recommend eps 61-62 ‘Learn About Your Members’


Or eps 20-21 (the bomb disposal one)

MioneTwin (my-oh-nee Twin)

Yay finally you react to this episode, So far I dont see ghost but if I go home from work right after sunset, I will get nightmare or hear weird sound (I live on 5th floor with my window facing outside) Btw, for this To Do, they suppose to have Halloween Special show like they did every year which we suspect that "scary" ghost at the end of this episode might appear in that Halloween Special but Bighit never released that content because all the idol in South Korea is giving their respect to Itowon Tragedy. Now we never know what happen