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Ok let me try to summarize the issue. Towards the ending of the show like the last 20 minutes before it ends. Kevin you audio and the dramas audio are delayed so basically we can see you speak and the characters speak but the audio comes after. But I don't find it to much because for some reason the audio for the drama and the subtitles match. The problem is the video is ahead of the audio. On top of that sometimes David reads the subtitles before we even see it. Idk how you would fix that maybe try a different server. Think about it is there anything you do differently when it comes to filming this drama. Sorry Kevin Ik you're tired of hearing this. We'll honestly live though if you can't figure it out. :) Now about the drama. Don't ya'll just love the bromance between the male leads. I can't help but see the love in those two's eyes when they stare at eachother. Or glare at eachother to it's the same difference. That's why I personally was shocked when seojun punch suho like that like. Like Dang Man Scared The Crap Out Of Me, I thought Ya'll were about to kiss!!! Please tell me where I can find an older sister like that. I used to call her my favorite noona... until I realized Noona is what a younger male calls a female/older sister... Females call their older sister Uni, it took me a while to get used to saying uni enstead lmao. And am I the only one that thinks she looks so similar to the bestfriend from business proposal. If they are not the same person I swear I've found so many twins in the kdrama community.

Larisa T

Fun fact Hwang In Yeop (Seojun) actually did sing for the OST, and you'll hear more of his singing in future episodes (I can't remember if it's in other episodes or just one other). I will say that at first Seojun doesn't like her like that, but you will see later on how it goes, Suho on the other hand likes her for her. Next episode I think is one of my favorites as it introduces a new side character (I could be wrong, it's been so long since I've watched it). Also do you notice how Soojin is trying to get closer to Suho? Idk...just a thought lol.