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MioneTwin (my-oh-nee Twin)

My suggestion for the next TXT reaction if you want to watch To Do, I suggest episode 92 Pajama Party. If other than To Do, my suggestion is TXT ++Line Episode 26 until 31 where they show behind the scene when they were preparing for Minisode 2 album also during album promotion (you dont need to watch all episodes at one go)


I recommend eps. 70-71 ‘Bye guys I’m leaving first.’ 😊 I feel I shouldn't enjoy seeing Yeonjun struggle but I think it's just because he's usually so good at everything he does so it's rare to see him struggle so much. I also really love the editing of the newer seasons of To Do, in one of the recent episodes Kai and Soobin were saying that they think the editors are sometimes drunk when they edit because of the effects and edits they make 😂


Hopefully we’ll be getting TXT on other variety shows after their comeback in January. If you wanted to switch things up from To Do, Talk x Today is always fun and I think you guys have only watched the first 2 seasons.