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Priyanka Banerjee

I really liked that abbot. He seemed like a chill person. Also, I really wanna have those Meat Noodles. They looked so yum!


I guess you guys pre-recorded and didn’t read the comments because of that. Hope you have a safe flight Kevin! So excited for you to check out True Beauty! ————————————————————— Young Woo going on a quest to get noodles for attorney Jung is the sweetest thing. ————————————————————— That breakup was so sad and frustrating at the same time. She should have just said something like „I can’t make you happy.“ or „I don’t want you to be lonely.“ That would have helped a lot. ————————————————————— The arrival on Jeju was so much happier than the departure. ————————————————————— I was so glad, that they found the owner of Haengbok Noodles and attorney Jung could leave Jeju satisfied. Other than them helping him with his business, of course. ————————————————————— David you asked if the mini, that Mister Hairy was driving, was a stick shift car and that got me thinking. I heard, that most Americans drive automatic cars. Is that true? I just got my license two weeks ago (with 25, I was pretty late) and drove automatic and stick shift. Can’t really say which one I prefer, but automatic is easier to handle. Sorry for the off topic tangent.

Larisa T

I told you I didn't like her (CEO Han); she's going after Tae Sumi though just to clarify. The last two episodes get...interesting shall we say, also they are connected to each other. I cannot wait until you guys watch True Beauty, first drama I watched and got into, first drama I never watched the last episode. Safe travels Kevin! have fun and all that jazz!

Vanessa Squintu

Hey guys... ...hope you are doing well. Kevin, have a safe flight. The trial was kinda wholesome, to be honest. Comprising...the word I would describe everything that happend with the temple and with Mr. Jung's wife. Jun Ho and Young Woo on the other hand...well, they need to learn what it means to be in a relationship with each other. Young Woo has no filter...everything that comes to mind is automatically out there. She doesn't want to offend anyone or provoke people...no, that's just how her mind works. She is not able to interpret the emotions people show on their faces, that's why it is hard for her to read the room and stay quite, when she should. Jun Ho is a deeply empathic guy. He adapts to the feelings and situations of others very well and is very considerate. So, he is the complete opposite from Young Woo. Young Woo has her heart in the right spot...she learned to reflect on a few things. But at the same time, she is very influenced by other people's opinion about her. I think it is bc she knows she is "lacking" in that area. That breakup scene was very hard to watch. You could literally see how she broke Jun Ho's heart. Keeping it on a rational level, so that Young Woo would understand was an impossible task. Her mind at the same time is always working at full speed, that's why she switched to the case immediately. Communication and reassurance are even more important in their relationship, then it is normally. Okay guys...see you in the next episode. Love you 💜 💜