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Was definitely trying to figure out the new drama you guys were watching because I'm impatient...alas, I can wait. I told you! drama was coming for everyone. And yes David, you're weird. Embrace it dude.


First of all. I really hope you’re watching True Beauty next. By the time you read this comment we’ll already know. I just think that the vibe of the drama fits Christmas time. Even if it didn't get chosen. We only have three episodes left of Woo Young Woo. You could begin True Beauty after (no pressure). ————————————————————— I really wanted Young Woo to comfort Jung Myung Seok when they went to kill the clock at night. I feel like it just showed how observant she is. ————————————————————— Kang Ki Young (attorney Jung) is such a diverse actor. He fit all his roles I‘ve seen him in perfectly. You‘ve also seen him a decent amount in W, What’s wrong with Secretary Kim and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo. ————————————————————— Geurami really got into Young Woos head with all the talk about meeting her in laws. But it just shows that Young Woo takes the relationship seriously and wants to leave a good impression. ————————————————————— Junho’s sister was just plain rude and disrespectful even if she thought Young Woo wasn’t listening. If they really wanted him to be happy, they would see that he’s happy with Young Woo. Instead she’s prejudiced towards her and using her caring for Junho as an excuse. Young Woo literally ate meat with raw fish to please her and she went and was rude. ————————————————————— In case of emergency you call 119 (il-il-goo) in South Korea. They just translated it to 911. I guess because that’s better known.


I really do hope they're watching True Beauty, because it has been on the polls so many times, it is a really good drama though. They might do both though, since they were so close to each other. After this one of course.


You get to learn about the law and whales. That's a lot. However, I'm not too focused on the whale parts, no offense to our main character. I don't see it as that important, lol. Then again, she does use it to explain cases. Even so, to me, it just makes it more confusing, like attorney Choi said because I know nothing about whales lmao. Also, is it just me? Every time young woo talks, I feel soo freaking dumbfounded. She talks way too fast, and it is hard to catch up since I'm reading. Which makes me wish I knew Korean!! She also sounds like she would be really good at advertising in commercials. Hear Me OUT! Imagine you're on your laptop, and a random Korean advertisement about a new phone pops up. Who do you HEar!? If I close my eyes or not look at the subs while she's talking. That's Exactly Who I Hear! Yo, If woo young woo did a sneaky ad that would make this drama would be everything for me. Now on a more serious topic. I actually couldn't enjoy this episode because I could see behind all of attorney Jung's smiles throughout this trip. I hate having empathy; it's a bit burdensome. You can't help but be aware of people's emotions and feelings. I've watched a lot of dramas with him so far. If he dies in this one, that's going to be so disappointing. Then again, it's JUSt A DRAMA, I have to keep reminding myself. Then again, it's JUSt A DRAMA, I have to keep reminding myself. On a different note, we have people like David who are bad at judging characters lol. David: " They are being really Nice!" Me:" Are they? I think they are quietly judging and pitying the situation David: They Are Very Nice people, Man! Me: "Are they?" "I wouldn't say very nice" "They are pitying her!" if you call that nice. Kevin: They are...?(sounds like he's confused and genuinely not sure if they are "Nice") Also, Kevin: "Idk they are kinda forcing her to eat, I'm jk." Me: -_- I couldn't even have hope for 1 second. *Junho's sister and partner start sharing how they really feel.* Kevin and David: OHH, OH Noooo... Me: Not even surprised Nothing against them. They are nice people, I just hate it when people can only pity others without putting themselves in their shoes. (empathizing) Therefore to me they're not that nice.


Hey guys, hope you are doing well. I am sick in bed...so your reaction was a treat. Thank you 💜. What an emotional episode. The actual case is not really important here. Everyone gets to know each other and themselves on another level, which is exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. Jun Ho taking Young Woo to meet his family...well, he is very serious about her but at the same time he put an immense pressure on her. Geu Rami made it unintentionally worse bc her words and advice were in the forefront of Young Woo's mind the entire time. We saw in the past how serious she takes her friend's advice. What Jun Ho's sister said was horrible but at the same time kinda understandable. That was her first time meeting Young Woo and even Jun Ho's glances at Young Woo could've been interpreted the wrong way. Young Woo's behaviour was weird to her...but that was all she saw. She didn't really had the time to get used to her. I would love to know what Jun Ho told her...what kind of person Young Woo is. She wasn't really able to give her a proper chance. It's a very tricky situation. I feel for both sides...damn it...this show is so good at showing you, that every reaction or behaviour is in a way reasonable, even if you don't agree. Attorney Jung is pulling my heartstrings. He was the last character I wished for to have a tragic storyline. He had so much character development since episode one...it seems kinda unfair. But life isn't fair in general. I have to admit that I saw the actor...Kang Ki-Young in sooooo many kdramas. I am always happy to see him taking on a new role. But he impressed me the most with this one. Have a great weekend guys Love you 💜 💜

Halima -L-1485

Hi guys how are you doen , when you guys reading the comment i was distracted by chen vocals background funny fact is i just bought chen album 😁 and i was so busy that i didn't get chance to wacht but now did " is always amezing to see your reaction you make my day , and every episode was so amezing i can't believe only three episode left 🤧