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Sorry for throwing you off in the beginning 😂 Tae Sumi is the mom. You were right in the beginning. The male rookie attorney is Kwon Minwoo. How are we already on episode 12?! The weeks just flew by. ————————————————————— First of all how many employees does this company have, that there are 112 married couples within the company. Was there a buy one get one deal on job interviews?! That’s so many people. I thought no dating on the job was like a universal unwritten rule. (Not made by employers, but the general public) Maybe that’s a German thing. But on the other hand I can see that your job is where you spend most of your time, so it’s reasonable that someone might catch your eye. ————————————————————— Ryu Jae Sook is such a good attorney with an amazing character! She’s on top of everything in court, has her beliefs, which she stands up for and is nice and welcoming on top of that. It showed Young Woo, Suyeon and the viewers what it could be like to be an attorney outside of a huge law firm. ————————————————————— Kwon Minwoo could have gotten Young Woo in SO MUCH trouble. And consequently himself, because I don’t think it would have gone under the radar, that he came to Young Woo with the documents in the first place. They are both lucky, that Ryu Jae Sook didn’t decide to use the materials. Minwoo could spend all that time he’s using to be sneaky, to focus on work and show Hanbada, that they need him. ————————————————————— I really like Jung Myeong-Seok and the end of this episode really hurt, when I watched it for the first time. I just want all the “good” people to be happy and healthy always. Hanbada defended the guy that murdered his own dad years ago and got him a really low sentencing of 8 years. CEO Han also said that she doesn’t understand why he is going after the attorneys that helped him. ————————————————————— Also apparently all dolphins are whales, just learned that.


I really did enjoy this episode. I watched this entire drama before, but never retained anything from it other than that Minwoo is a giant prick and I hate him, Junho being the sweetest thing in the world, Myeong-suk and his story (which is coming up just gotta stay tuned), and that Young-woo is adorable and has such amazing friends, so rewatching this with you guys is nice. I loved the lady lawyer (forgot her name) she's such a badass. I could never be told to quit my job honestly, I genuinely love working and want a career to just work...is that weird? probably. Being told that from HR?? no, I would be devastated, except I wouldn't have backed down I would've fought before even thinking of quitting, or being forced to quit. Always read your contracts and state laws, and if you have a union, use it and fight! Spoilers(ish) Junho literally is the sweetest thing and when I tell you this, homie does not change and stays as a good guy until the end!! and why would I lie about Minwoo, Kevin?? He stays as an obsessive weirdo until the literal end... ALSO! drama is coming for our lovely attorneys. This last part has absolutely nothing to do with this drama. I just wanna go ahead and genuinely thank you guys for providing so much content to watch and laugh with you guys, especially when things are rough and I just wanna wind down. The holidays are coming and in retail, it's just incredibly stressful around these times, so watching your content really brings a smile to my face, and thank you for just being your weird authentic selves, you guys really brighten a persons day. :)


The best part of this drama is learning about the whales' hands down. Had no clue that dolphins were whales, and if I did, definitely tuned that out.


Hey guys, how are you doing? What an episode. This one was very tricky. It showed us, that the world isn't black and white...there is this huge grey area, which is confusing the hell out of us. My initial thought was...law doesn't equal justice. Young Woo had to experience it first hand. It was very romantic of her to think, that being an attorney means to defend what's morally right. I loved the answer attorney Jung gave her. He found his answers already and he was right...Hanbada didn't do anything illegal. They just used some loop holes 🤷‍♀️. Morally debatable but still within the law. Attorney Ryu embodied what Young Woo thought attorney life would be like. Just taking the cases she can make sure to do the right thing. I loved that little sneak peak for Young Woo, but it didn't really make her overthink everything...in the end Attorney Ryu lost bc of the law. The law Young Woo loves so much. The little fight between Jun Ho and Young Woo was a good example of how important it is to be on the same page. She needed the verbal confirmation and he was a few steps ahead in his head and his heart with everything they shared so far. I loved that Jun Ho was honest about his feelings and that he kinda called her out. He is very understanding and he let's a loooot of things slide...bc he knows that she isn't doing things on purpose or is not even able to things at all...but to verbalise that he feels hurt, was very important. She is learning as well...not only Jun Ho. Have a great weekend guys. Love you 💜 💜


Hiiii! It's been a while! I missed you Guys! I love this drama. I don't like how the ladies didn't win, though. At first, this drama made me uncomfortable because the actor doesn't have autism but was portraying someone who is autistic. But as I kept watching, I realized she did a good job acting the role without being offensive. I recently saw, in a short, that this was her concern also, and at first, she kept on denying the role because she didn't think she would be able to do it. She honestly did an amazing job, and I'm glad this drama exists. These episodes are all interesting and deep, and I'm learning something new every episode. I love Attorney Ryu. She's an awesome attorney. I wondered why she was so famous, always appearing on the news. I love how we quickly found out that it's obviously because she's very loud. Also, Is it just me, because the judge is like comic relief for me in the courtroom, Because he always seems like he's biased, but all his final verdicts are always according to the law. I think that's funny, and it relieves some of the stress in the courtroom. To me, this episode was mainly about whether or not you decide to stick to your beliefs, even if we're your job's policies go against them, or just follow the policies given to you from the company regardless of your belief. I think we are reaching the climax, guys. Attorney woo is about to get scammed, and attorney Jung might die cause that's the kdrama trend when a character is coughing blood. In real life, though, coughing out blood could be a sign of cancer, an infection, problems with your lungs, or you just got some throat issues. Also, Attorney Jung isn't eating properly or sleeping. That might state that as a factor in what's going on. The ending was annoying, though. You can't just walk around wearing all black. You can scare someone. The dude almost got a heart attack for no reason. That's so annoying.