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I meant county not country lol. I live in Kentucky, there was only one high school in the county and just overcrowded. Yeah I know my mom, it's not her that I wanna stand up to, it's my dad. Let's just say he is not a good person and walked out of my life at Christmas. This episode threw me off in the beginning, because I've watched so many crime shows and I know it gets dark with children, so won't lie..was very iffy with it at first. I think the way she's trying to gauge her feelings with the heartbeat thing is cute and he seems to understand what she implies with that too. I think it's normal in South Korea and in other asian countries to have like the normal classes and then other classes afterwards, because education is incredibly important for them. I am basing this off of every drama/anime show I have watched with a school setting, so honestly idk how accurate it is, but I think the show Sky Castle does a pretty good showing of what the pressures of school is like in South Korea. If anyone truly knows, please let me know I'm so curious to learn more. Again, Sky Castle is one of the kdramas that goes deep into like the "top" families and children with the school system, highly recommend for anyone to watch it, keep in mind though it is a dark drama. I find it funny that Minwoo develops a crush, it's like karma biting him in the ass, because she doesn't want him. I too wanna slap the shit outta him, but you have to admit...he does have great comedic timing, I will go ahead and just say...he doesn't really grow out of his behavior he stays the same until the very end.


Happy Friday guys! ————————————————————— To me Bang Gu Ppong had his heart in the right place and really wanted to help the children, he just went about it the wrong way. But those kids had the best time ever just playing instead of studying late. ————————————————————— From what I know the workload and pressure for students in South Korea is crazy. Which is of the reasons why the child suicide rates are so high. Suicide is the number one cause of death for South Koreans aged 10 a 39. Most parents want their kids to go to good universities and become successful. Therefor they are willing to sacrifice their childrens childhood. I don’t think that fun after school activities are really a thing from what I heard and read. Even joining a sports team comes with a lot of pressure to be the best at it. ————————————————————— While watching for the first time I honestly didn’t notice that we don’t get a sentence for Bang Gu Ppong in this episode. Now I’m a bit annoyed by that. ————————————————————— I really like the next episode. I‘m excited to see how you feel about the case.


Hey guys...how are you doing? Hope everything is going well. This episode...well, I watched it with mixed feelings. Me, as a kindergarten teacher, know how important it is to let children be children. They should have time and room to play, to experiment, to ask and to experience different things they are curious about. We as adults should be supportive on their way and not the ones who burden them with a workload that is even unheard of for adults. We have a saying, that goes "Gras wächst nicht schneller, nur weil man daran zieht". Literally translated into "Grass won't grow faster, just bc we are pulling on it". I hope you are getting the idea behind that saying. Parents in this day and age want everything for their kids...they want more...they want it faster and higher. But they keep forgetting that even kids have their boundaries and they are able to express what they want and what they think is important. Parents sometimes tend to forget why and to which price they want all these things. That doesn't only apply to parents from Korea but all over the world. Burned out kids are a reality we are living in and that breaks my heart every day In Germany even time for homework is regulated...my niece is a third grader and it shouldn't take her more than an hour to do her homework. So, I am completely on Mr. Fart's side, when it comes to his reasons for his actions. But I think we all agree, that kidnapping the kids wasn't his best idea. I am actually content with the fact, that we didn't get a sentence. I think it was more of a themed episode to make us think. Lee Jun Ho finally said it...he tried it so many times. My heart is happy now. Hope you are having a great week. See you in the next episode. Love you 💜💜

Priyanka Banerjee

I feel even the Pingsu case highlighted this. Where the one of the brother was a medical student and the other a autistic person. And the medial student was in so much stress he took such a drastic step.

Priyanka Banerjee

I wanna now see the video with the wrapper on Kevin’s face lol. The argument was funny haha. —— You guys were talking whether RM was put in such academies or not. Idk about that. But I remember seeing some vlive video of Jeonghan and Seungkwan of seventeen, where Jeonghan was talking about him being put in an academy and all since he used to not study. He was telling a funny story about him and how he tricked his sister to get sent to the academy since it was hard af and he couldn’t be the only one suffering lol. But from what he said his academy also seemed strict to me. Because he was talking something about how hardcore it was. And back then it seems punishments was allowed. So he was like you definitely need to get a score of 90/100 or so and if you don’t you’ll get one smack per point lost. So if you lose 15 points, 15 smacks from a rice spatula or something. And he was like it used to be painful and all. Anyways he was telling a funny story but he had mentioned stuff like this. So since it’s kinda on the topic I decided to share it. I actually saw this in this compilation so you can check this out later if you wanna see the actually video. https://youtu.be/2VxW20BMFWc