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Priyanka Banerjee

Remember when I said I wished there was just 1 more ep for this drama, it was exactly because of what you guys said. Like you were like I was satisfied with it but like how do I say it... I had the same feeling... Like how David said he doesn't get why that whole grandpa, not well tangent was brought in. Rather I felt like if there was such a thing brought in maybe we needed just 1 more episode to tie things up nicely. That's what I felt. Like the last 10-15 minutes I felt like so much happened at once and it seemed like a rushed ending. So maybe just 1 more episode and to wrap things up well... something like that is what I feel was needed. Apart from this the rest of the drama was amazing and it was a good peaceful nice drama. I really liked it! <3 And I loved watching this with you guys!!!


I’m glad i’m not the only one that thought the last episode was a bit rushed, I love the drama just wish there was another episode. I’m glad y’all really liked this!