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Priyanka Banerjee

I have not liked Minwoo's girlfriend from the get-go either. She seems like the person who acts sweet and stuff but isn't. And it always felt like she is trying to put Haari down. Even that Minwoo dude I don't like him either. The other two friends were still okay, at least they were being honest and not coy. Gosh, the way you both kept arguing in this reaction! Gosh so cute haha. First the headphones, then the boat xD xD And SungHoon and YeongSeo having the same reaction when they saw each other for the first time, was just so cute. Both saw flowery backgrounds and were like "I found my love!". Also yes they did do it last night haha. But the scene in flashes we got in this episode is the only scene they showed, they didn't show anything last ep. To be honest, I kinda didn't like him saying that if you reject me I'll keep on proposing to you again and again until you like me back. I mean I get the romantic vibe they are going at, and ya they have shown that she has started liking him a bit but idk it didn't sit well with me. Just a personal opinion, it's just those lines for me. It does end up well though with her kissing him hehe. So yea maybe it's just me being extra haha. Idk.


I love watching this with y'all. Your reactions make it so fun cause I am just as invested as you guys are. Another drama I was way too invested in was our beloved summer. Definitely my favorite dramas in a while.


I get what you mean. It didn't sit too well for me either with his line. I think it only worked cause she does like him too. If she didn't it'll end up being stalkerish at some point.