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We cannot understand what else BTS need to do.. SCAMMYS ARE A JOOOKEE, no intent to disrespect Doja Cat in any way but BTS deserved to win in our opinion.

Enjoy the reaction to their performance and our thoughts in more detail regarding today's turn of events 

CLICK HERE to watch. 




unique ?

this is the main reason i didn’t watch this year 🤦🏽‍♀️ they released the biggest pop songs in 2 years and still didn’t win anything. i’ll rather them to attend korean award shows because this ain’t it


At least this time they have 4 stadium shows to play next week and are using the grammy venue for their live viewing. That makes it a little better but yeah I agree the SCAMMYS ARE A JOKE. THE PERFORMANCE OF THE GUYS? ABSOLUTELY UNEBLIEVABLE! I think my mouth was open the whole time and I shook my army bomb too hard because I couldn't scream because it was in the middle of the nigtht for me. So yeah I have no idea how they don't get this award (AGAIN) -.- also maybe someone should tell the academy the differnce between a collab and a duo.