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Vanessa Squintu

This show is upsetting me so much. I am with you when you say that at least one professional should sit there. The panel consists of personalities from the entertainment industry. The problems that are discussed are only scratching the surface of what the real problem is. Just to declare afterwards to do better doesn't solve anything. I have a big problem with how some serious matters are spoken about. These problems are only spread out for laughter and in the end for some money. Isn't it a real disturbing thing that your problem will be up or down voted and you can win some money if you are picturing it concerning enough? This show is good for nothing. This gang attitude of talking people into a corner without really understanding where some of these behaviours are coming from. So glad this show got cancelled after the incident of the father playing with his son's pe***...which was really disturbing and disgusting to watch. But you gave it a shot guys 😉. Love you and have a great new year 💜💜


Agreed with every Word you said! Thank you for all your love! You know we Love yall too!! Have a happy new year too!