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Yippee!!! [...] David: "I feel like you read it better, dude, because a lot is directed at you" Me: *dramatic gasp* "Not true!!!" [...] They didn't get it... "Kevin just keeps laughing, just keeps laughing, just keeps, just keeps, just keeps laughing.... [Hint: Clown fish]" Answer: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep, just keep swimming..." [Dory from Finding Nemo (Nemo is a clownfish)] [...] Donte... The way you just messed with their minds without giving anything away... I applaud you... I also had the exact same thought, but was too lazy/tired to figure out how to type it... Bravo!!! [...] Kevin: "I think it happened to Destorer a couple times." *about comments disappearing* Me: "NOPE! I'm one of the few that never had that problem..." I WILL say that you should check that the post button is ready. I've noticed that sometimes the post button isn't loaded so you have to wait or click out of the comment to be able to post. [...] Can I just say... David... Why does it feel like you intentionally made it so Kevin read the really long comments (Mine and Ida's)? I will also applaud you, because if it was an accident... Amazing... If it was intentional... You're sneaky... Amazing! [...] Wow... When Kevin pulled back his sleeve to check his non-existent watch, his tattoo made it seem like he really had one... [...] Me:"Why don't you use 2 bluetooth headphones?" Kevin: "Does that work?" Me: "Yes... I've done it before... That's why I suggested it..." I wanted to be SO sarcastic and say "No" but I was afraid you'd take it seriously... [...] Also... It's hEEEEeeeeeeerrrreee!!! (If you remembered) You thought I forgot didn't you? BTW the here is in a creepy high-pitched voice... The capital "E" is the rise in pitch and the lowercase "e" is the drop in pitch... I'm curious... I want to see you try... *End of Comments*


Hey guys!! Yes, like you said, its a really good show! Lots of twist and questions. And I like it cause theres a lot of mystery within a mystery. Anyways, next episode will have more questions than answers again. But now, I think you get what we mean by the drama slowly explaining the details as episodes go. Yes, there will be a lot of questions but dont worry cause the drama will explain the situation/answers very well. I cant wait when you get to the later episodes and you pin everything together.

Vanessa Squintu

Hey guys...what an episode. I was rooting for you so much to catch up on things and Kevin was so close...I was ready to celebrate but he didn't believe in what he said himself 😭. Next week guys...next week 💪🏻. After you read out Sierra's comment I had to think about my first time watching you guys. It was so long ago. At that time I wasn't sure if you would stick to BTS or kpop in general, but you did and I stuck with you too. Honestly, you are the only ones I still watch from that time. Keep it up guys 💜💜. David, I was about to ask you that a couple of weeks back...but your hair is mad shiny. What do you use? 😂 Can't wait for next Sunday. Stay healthy...love you guys 💜💜

Donta Scarlett

You guys should try and watch this on Viki, you won't have to go through the messed up lagging that you were experiencing. And for future shows that you watch, they would most likely be on Viki. Anyway, still loved your reactions. I won't say much for now. I'm saving all that I wish to say, (insert evil smirk) for later. As for now, I'll just enjoy the ride by watching you both fail in being detectives. 😂 Side note for the future, don't ever put yourselves in escape rooms, y'all would be stuck and staff would have no choice but to just let you guys out. 😂

Ida Jansson

I’m just gonna type my comment in my notes from now on just to make sure that it doesn’t disappear again! …………………………………. I knew I forgot something from the original comment last episode!! It was an explanation about what “condolence money” is, but since you kind of got an explanation already from Destorer5000 I’m not gonna explain it again. And if you want to know more about it you can just google it 😊 ………………………………… Well it won’t be a long comment this time cause there isn’t really a lot for me to comment on without spoiling it for you… But get ready for plot twists within plot twists within plot twists! I want you to get it but at the same time I don't cause it is so much fun watching you get frustrated😂 Like a commented said in the episode before, if we had to go through it than so do you! And how can your thought process be so right but at the same time so wrong? But if it makes you feel any better I had no clue what was going on when I first watched it... it's just so much fun teasing you since we know what is going on 😂 Sorry not sorry! ………………………………… If the video is like this again in the future I think it would be better to see if you can watch from another server or website. Even if you have subtitles you can miss things visually that might be important. And just the overall flow gets a little weird… But hopefully you won’t have this problem again in the future 👍🏻 ……………………………….. I’ll just give you an update on my life instead of commenting about the episode since their isn't a lot! I’m back at university after a short Christmas break with my family. Hopefully I didn’t catch Covid while I was home but I feel fine so It should be okay… I’m studying Ethology and Animal Welfare and I’ll get a Bachelor’s degree in biology when I’m finished. I’m getting ready to graduate, I have around 5 months left, and the stress of not knowing what I’m gonna do after is creeping on, but I’ll figure it out in the end. I want to take a masters after but with the Covid situation right now I think I’ll wait a little bit since I want to study abroad. I think the comment got long anyway since I kept rambling about my life but oh well 😅 I hope you guys, and everyone else watching, had a great week and enjoy episode 7 😊 Ps. If Kevin starts reading the comments he is gonna get both mine and Destorer5000's comment again 😂


hellooo~ wahh I see that some pieces of the puzzle are left in the open now. I think you guys are doing a great job at being detectives🧐 like some of your guesses are almost spot on and I'm like howww?? I remember when I first watched this alone, the creepy bgm with children's voices scared me so much that I would bolt away from my phone😂 I'm just noticing David's hair slit, it looks so good🔥 love you guys, take care!💖

Gigi Lai

Hello guys! Really enjoyed your reactions! You guys are doing a great job! This episode had so much foreshadowing for the future episodes that I didn't catch the first time, but after finishing the show I catch all the little hints they gave us and I feel so dumb for missing them the first time. I am super excited for your reaction to the next episode because more things are going to start getting even more intense as more of the puzzle starts to get unveiled. Ok bye!

strange& sleepless

I didn't leave a comment on the last few episodes because I didn't really have anything to say. But just fyi I'm still here and very much enjoy watching this with you haha


The HE IS PSYCHOMETRIC tag on episode 1 is different from the other episodes so episode 1 doesn’t show up when you click the tag on the other videos


Hey, just join here cause i want to see your reaction of this drama. I've watched this and still enjoying this every time i watch. Love your reaction.