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It's HEEEEeeeeeerrreeeeee


i can't wait till you guys watch the last few episodes & i'm looking forward to new k dramas you'll watch. try to find ones with a lot of drama & romance lol, love you guys <3


@0:20 Soooo.... I'm good then...


@01:57 So ya'll are just gonna talk about stuff I don't know about to make me curious? Well... IT WORKED!! I'm curious


@03:21 And your reactions to them is why I keep posting them even if I think I'm over doing it... My comments are basically a stream of consciousness at this point...


@04:14 Don't be ridiculous.... Of COURSE I'm doing it on purpose...


@05:52 David asked if he souned like me, and I said no. The "I sound like a girl" thing was a joke


@08:00 Yes, I know. That's why I said around Christmas, but for the record, it's been over a year since you promised.


@09:00 *activates Jimin whiny voice* But Guuuuuyys... It's ONE video... I'm not asking you to watch ALL the FM's, just the one you promised me over a year ago...


@09:35 I think it's funny how people thought the year 2020 would be a high tech future, and it kinda is because COVID forced technology to advance...


@09:59 At least you admit it


@10:01 I love that you read that while doing something stupid!!!


@15:15 (This is wrong. I'm just too lazy to go find the right time) Me: "My neighbor is a police officer." David: "That sucks." Me: "Uh... Sir... I'm a young female who works the night shift and lives alone... I am PERFECTLY HAPPY having a police officer living next door, okay?"


@16:32 - @16:42 The way Kevin's expression changed when he read the comment!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Then David's "It's so great" Ya'll a mess...


@18:37 Ok, boys... Do we need to call the teacher?


@21:55 You know... My rant doesn't seem as bad when you read it like that... The pauses really helped...


@24:03 Yeah... Sorry about that rant... and the one I haven't seen you read yet... I just got mad...


@27:36 Thanks, Kevin... David actually said "bloodiness" so naturally that I thought I misspelled it...


@29:48 I hate you... WHY DID YOU JUST SAY THAT?!? I'm on like season 2, and you're gonna tell me he DIES at the end of the show?!? WHY?!?


@31:42 Nope! Wrong guy..


@33:03 Yes... I am just talking to you at this point... I think I just posted this, but my comments are literally my thoughts as I watch. I think of something, I pause, and I comment. That's it. That's all I'm doing, and it's fun. Your reactions/responses are funny too, so I will keep doing as I please. Thank you!😤 Why am I like this? You can't hear the dramatic/sarcastic voice I'm using to say this words, so you might not catch the joke. However, I still find it funny and do it anyway...


@34:37 Idk what just happened, and I'm too lazy to drag the thing on my phone to rewind, so I'm just gonna say: What just happened?


@35:16 Ok, Avatar Narrator... Also, THAT'S the guy... The one in orange... Dogbird's whatchamacallit...


@36:26 You joke, but that's what Dogbird's friend told him to do when he was dying, remember?


@37:37 I didn't even finish the 1st episode of that...


AH! Before I forget... For the record... I sometimes change the seconds in my timestamps to be slightly before/after the moment I'm talking about to amuse myself. Like: @21:21 @22:22 @10:01 It amuses me to see them while you read the comments


@38:22 David's FAAAAAAAAAAAACEEE!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


@38:33 NOW KEVIN!!!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 You know what? If you're gonna rewatch these scenes, start from @38:20 ... You'll know when to stop... . . . . . . In case you don't, it's @38:35


@40:35 This is a random thought, but is it my fault that you're only @5:25 in the episode right now?


@40:48 Nah, nevermind... It's probably mostly because ya'll stupid.... If I hadn't been thinking I was the reason the video was so long, I would've been laughing harder at your sudden goofing


BTW... I just noticed this when I came back, but this is PERFECT thumbnail material... The video paused on the king's straight face with ya'll being goofs in the top left corner? It's AMAZING


@42:00 Kevin: "It's a dream" David: *freaking out again* Kevin will NOT be tricked two times in a row!! This is the perfect example of "fool me once..." Don't know what that says about David though....🤷🏾‍♀️


@45:59 You may be right about the Justinian Plague... https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44046031


@49:49 He's upset that the medicine is going to go bad before he can sell it at a premium... The doctor is keeping the plague from spreading, so some of the medicine he's hoarding will be useless by the time people freak out enough that they'll pay anything for it...


@55:10 David.... "The one time I don't want them to kiss..." Looks like you've made up your mind, Sir? But honestly... that was funny in so many ways...


@56:36 He was like: "Whatever" I LOVE it when he does that....


@1:03:00 David: "I'm not a superstar, ok?" Me: "Eh~ You kinda are... a YOUTUBE star 🌟 ⭐ 😎😎😎😎"


@1:03:51 I'm sorry... I wasn't listening to what ya'll were saying... I was too busy waiting to see who was gonna hit the guy... I was literally saying, OUT LOUD "Who's gonna hit him? Hmm? Who's gonna do it? Someone's gonna hit him. Who's it gonna be? Who's gonna hit him?"


@1:05:45 Two things 1) Did David just say "pointy ears" before Kevin paused the video? 2) Kevin... you know the symbol between the play and volume buttons is there to take the video back 10 seconds, right? It's a rewind button... You don't have to click and drag it every time... You know... Unless you want to... Idk WHY you'd want to... but you CAN, I guess... I'm sorry... I'm tired... I didn't go to sleep this time, and I think I'm getting a real smart mouth right now.... [EDIT] But I've made it this far, and I REFUSE to stop now...


@1:06:03 I was gonna rewind to get the time for David's little "yes" but David's expression at this moment was too perfect....


@1:11:39 I just noticed this, but you know the schedule around the video still has Itaewon Class on it, right?


@1:12:06 Idk what you were saying, but David's switch to serious mode was HILARIOUS... I think V does the same thing, but he puts his hand in front of his face


@1:14:44 Since ya'll didn't seem to catch that, let me explain... The village she just mentioned was where Dogbird and Makmoon (the real Sunwoo) grew up. When Dogbird heard that the people in that village were dying, he showed a reaction, but I guess ya'll missed it.


@1:17:37 Kevin: "If I was a queen though..." BTW I was just gonna let this go, but KEVIN!!! What do you mean "there's no politics"?!? Have you not been paying attention? Basically, this ENTIRE SHOW is about politics.... If there were no politics, then the king would be on the throne already.... They even mentioned that the epidemic and providing medicine in that meeting earlier....


@1:21:28 The self-hatred right there....


@1:23:34 "We can't let him find out." Me: "He just did..."


@1:28:25 Wow... Ya'll shushing each other is... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


@1:28:37 The Korean "R" is almost identical to the Spanish one... It's between a "R" and "L"


@1:29:36 Doesn't he look like he did when you paused the video? ... Actually... He looked more drunk in the paused part...


@1:30:03 Is it just me, or did that one medicine look like mulch?


@1:30:20 "I have seen many crazy deeds... but this tops them all..." Kevin: "Right? Yeah, they're stealing..." Me: "Um... Kevin? Was that bad timing or did you really think he meant the crazy deed was stealing? You know he was talking about the amount of medicine, right?"


@1:31:18 Ooh!!!! BUSTED!!!! B U S T E D You are BUSTED!!! BUSTED!!!


@1:32:57 Once the King knocked out the last guy, I REALLY just wanted to go: "Feel better?"


@1:36:34 "The whoa whoa" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I can't!!!! ... ... Yep... I need to go to bed...


@1:38:11 Kevin: "Wait... The mom was... Deaf or Blind?" David: "Deaf" Me: "She was mute...😑" Also, Aro's mom was a servant in her father's house, so NO that's not her.


@1:38:40 "Wah-wah" "Whoa-whoa" "Wah-uh" You're killing me!!!! So many attempts... None of them right... Try saying: "Won-a" or "Whon-a" (This is the best I can do with the spelling)


@1:39:21 Aaand DONE!!! I just noticed that you actually uploaded the video on November 10th... Idk if you did it on purpose or not, but that's just awesome...


I almost forgot to say thanks for wishing me a happy birthday, and if you actually said it in the videos you recorded on my birthday.... Idk what I'd do with that information... I think my brain would break...


If you already posted any of those... I missed them... I'm so far behind on your videos...


It was funny when you guys were trying to pronounce Ban Ryu's name.. Your attempts went from "Ban-Yu" and ended with "Alright, it's Bay-Li-oo" 😂 I'm learning Korean right now (trying to at least) and I notice there's a lot of sounds spoken so fast they're not even said anymore. Like, with "hanna, dool, set (1, 2, 3 )", I only ever hear "Naa, dool, set". It's so annoying when doing listening tests~ Anywho, I think it's pronounced more like "Pa~Rhoo" because if you say his name really fast you don't hear the 'n' anymore. Sorry for the tangent, it's 4am right now🥴 And I believe the queen wants to make Aro a Wonhwa to put her in an impossible situation since she already knows that the Wonhwa idea didn't work, and they end up dying in the end. I guess by doing it this way, it's not as obvious the queen wants to kill her so she doesn't distract the king anymore. Thanks guys for the reaction, loving the spontaneous cuddles lol💕

Vanessa Squintu

Okay...I have to get used to watch and comment right away. Last episode I commented on Wednesday...well...little too late 😂. I thought the entire conversation about the pharmaceutical industry and stuff was pretty interesting bc I have never experienced something like this. As you know that I am living in Germany and here everyone has health care. We are bound to it by law and you can kinda "upgrade" to private health insurance if you want (the difference is just better hospital rooms...sometimes you can get doctor's appointments faster). Every visit at the doctor's...doesn't matter what kind...is covered by our health insurance company. So I don't have to pay for that. When they have to perscribe medicine I just have to pay a fraction of what it actually costs bc that is also covered by my insurance company. Same goes for vaccines. I have never paid for a vaccine in my life. Staying in a hospital is pretty cheap as well. You are just paying 10€ a day for the bed and food. Two years ago I underwent surgery. I was hospitalized for 4 days. I didn't pay for the surgery...I payed 40€ for "maintenance" if we call it like this. On the other hand if you are used to that, non prescription medications seem a bit expensive. So...I think, we wouldn't face a problem like, holding back medication or a vaccine for profit, here. Okay...back to the episode. No...sorry...first things first. David, that headband suits you really well 👌🏻. The episode was really eventful and kinda eye opening. Each characters problems and internal fights are tying more and more together which makes the story much more interesting. Okay, I can finally say it now...the queen's servant or maid or whatever she is...she was suspicious to me from the moment Mr. Anji asked her about the tea and tasted it himself. I don't know...she knows something. Ban Ryu isn't a bad guy...he is just conflicted and is making dumb decisions. But deep inside he is a good guy. Can't wait for the next episode. Love you guys...stay healthy (any corona updates, Kevin?) Love you guys 💜💜


It's because native speakers are lazy with the pronunciation... Like how, in English, some people say "fou-D" or "Fif-D" instead of "forty" or "fifty". They slur the sounds together, but the proper pronunciation is still there, it's just hard for a foreigner to hear...


Vanessa, the maid was only "suspicious" to you? Didn't Anji taste it after he had that flashback to when the-old-guy-who's-name-I-cannot-remember-right-now said he had people in the palace and was killing the queen slowly? That flashback was also when he was giving her a checkup and figured out that she was being poisoned, right? For Devin's reference, it would be in episode 8, around the 40:00 mark. Yes, I looked it up, but I rounded because I'm lazy. It's when David said he didn't want to hear the queen's sob story and accused the drama of trying to "put a sweet light" on her. In reality, it's because we're all human, and no one becomes evil for no reason... Even if it's a reason that only makes sense to them, they ALL have their reasons... Just watch criminal minds if you don't believe me...


@27:20 It's probably too late to say this, and have you see it, but the reason I left this comment about the YouTuber is because Kevin said: "I just wanna go live in the forest." @1:06:12 (Episode 16 video) Also, I now know I had put the wrong time for that one... I have NO idea how "12" turned to "20" in my mind... Must be the constant stream of numbers...


Tae is such a cutie....totaly in love with Dogbird hahaha...but he is just himself