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Part 1: https://dai.ly/x7tx7xf

Part 2: https://dai.ly/x7tx8wq

Part 3: https://dai.ly/x7tx9g3




i know you’ve been using qdeoks for these videos and i don’t know if you know or not but her site has been taken down but she currently has a temporary site up and is working towards getting another permanent one. She wants to keep it quite quiet tho so if you need the link i could send it on twitter or something :)


They were recording "Promise" and "Scenery", not Winter Bear, hehe

Line Henriksen

Qdeoks site got taken down, but Miintae got her site back, so you can use that again https://sung-jaelly-fish.tumblr.com/links-tags

Vanessa Squintu

Who isn't fond of your recaps? I want names 😂😂😂. No...I love them...it's nice to talk about afterwards. Jungkook looking outside of the car and asking if these people are going to work left me a bit speechless. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember that they are not used to those things. Getting up early, going to work and stuff are things of my regular life. Seeing BTS in RUN episodes, in these documentaries makes them so approachable, so human...so normal...that I sometimes caught myself forgetting that they are these huge world stars with these unusual schedules and mad hectic lifes. I remember Kookie saying (I can't remember when he said it) that he wishes to have a normal life sometimes. He is working since a very young age and he missed a lot of the things kids his age would do. He wants to experience once how it feels to be a regular (at that time) 22 year old guy. Remembering that and seeing Kookie's remark while watching the people doing their thing, made me a bit sad. I loved how Yoongi admitted that being a musician is not always fun and not always passionate. Creative work is very hard. Constantly thinking about the next project...you have to have ideas all the time...it should come naturally to you but at the same time it has to fit into a timed schedule. He said it is a love hate relationship. And I really felt that when he said that he can't live without it. Seeing the stage almost collapsing was a shocking moment. They edited that part so good. Showing the uproar backstage cutting to them dancing and the fans cheering and back to the staff trying their best to make it look like everything is okay. I bet the guys on stage felt the stage shaking under their feet but they performed as if nothing was happening...that shows that they have so much trust into their staff. Namjoon...I could understand him. He was responsible for the intro this time...what he described was going blind to what they do. He said that when they are working on an album he has to sit in front of his desktop and has to listen to the same song over and over again. I think with time you can't tell if the song is good or bad anymore. I think this state is making him nervous and uncertain if what they put out as an album is good enough. Lastly Jin. He opened up a bit...that he lost friends along the way. I don't know if it's just translations or if he worded it exactly like that...but he said that it was getting hard for people to be around him. Jin said about himself that he hasn't changed and loosing people just bc your circumstances change is hard to comprehend and it hurts. I hope that he still has some people in his life who think that Jin as a person is worth it for them to adjust. Kevin's proud look when he talked about the Persona album was everything ☺️. Love you guys 💜💜

Line Henriksen

I love your reviews/recaps of the episodes! I love BTS so much for wanting to show us these parts of their lives. That it's not all sunshine and rainbows, but they have struggles, fears, doubt, but they truly love doing this. I respect them so much for their passion and love for music and performance. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Pernille Eskildsen

being a make up artist most be hard ,they are 7 boys who woundt sit still at all or they er sleeping , big hit staff do a great job trying to give fans a great time and keep bts save and well,

Onjira Tittiranond

I was there on the first day of the concert in Bangkok. We were surprised as well that they didn’t dance like the other concerts but we just thought that it was because of the heat as it was very hot that day and dancing would drain their energy even more. Never thought that the stage was collapsing ;_;


well shit. I cried during the Epiphany montage AGAIN. They work so hard for us and go through so much shit for us. All for us. My love for them overwhelms me sometimes. 💜😭


I’m only just watching this because I only recently joined your patreon so am binge watching your vids lol and I doubt you’ll see this but I just wanted to say how much I love your reviews at the end, you go so much in depth 💜