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I loved watching this with you guys, since I haven't watched it yet either so it was my first time too. It was such a good movie, and Icould relate to how David had tears in his eyes. He was holding back his tears just like me. P.s. The guy who Kevin thought was the baseball player guy from Train To Busan, you're correct. He was also the main guy, "Kevin", from Parasite, hahah. The actor's name is Choi Woo Shik, you have seen him in all 3 movies of Bong Joon Ho now. I feel like Bong Joon Ho just loves him lol.


Also, the fruit you guys were wondering about are called “persimmons” they’re really sweet and juicy if you get them ripe


this movie is like if jungle book and charlotte's web had a baby.


DAMN!!! I was delaying watching this cause I knew more or less what it was about. It was a good movie nut very difficult to watch. At least I watched with you. Adding to the discussion at the end. Meat is not necessary for nutrition or to end the world hunger (as Mirando’s marketing), livestock consume so many resources that could be used to actually feed people and it s one of the most pollutants in the world. What meat is is convenient, you don’t have to go out of you way to get it, you don’t have to think much on what you eat or where it comes from, it is right in front of you, prettily presented and is a very good business. Also, you don’t have to become vegan or vegetarian tomorrow, by eating consciously and lessen your meat consumption you make a big difference. Of course, the ideal situation would be no one eating or selling meat, but that is not possible at least for now. Making any small change is ALWAYS better than not doing anything.


I was just going to watch this but I just found out it's about abuse on animals so I cant watch it . I'm a vegan and care deeply about animals so this would break me to much .


bruh I just subscribed to the gold tier from not so army because I wanted to see your reaction to train to Busan and watch parasite with you guys because I still haven't watched it, but rewatching train to Busan with you guys made me cried again 😭 and now watching this one made me cry too. I have parasite to watch next now 😅