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NSD REACT | BTS MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 'Interlude : Shadow' Comeback Trailer

Uploaded by NOT SO DAILY 3 on 2020-01-10.



Pretty sure 'Shadow' represents darkness within ourselves/those traits that we dislike or would rather ignore. This goes with Carl Jung's psychological models analyzing different parts of the human psyche (ego, the self, persona, etc.). 'Map of the Soul' is also the title of a popular book written about Jung's original theories. I think BTS's map of the soul albums has been loosely based on those ideas. Thanks guys for the reaction! :) 💜

Jessie Owens

Ok, so I'll try my best with the shadow persona thing. Persona can be seen as the masks you put on to please others with good qualities, often trying to fit in. If it is the only thing you focus on, you could lose the rest of your self. The shadow is the opposite, it is the negative parts of yourself you want to hide, or even not admit to having. If this is ignored completely, you can become a very shallow person, or full of masks. One needs to accept the light and dark sides of yourself to be a complete person who grows and matures. So you need to accept and balance the Persona and Shadow. I saw this reflected in both the lyrics and tone at the end when the video became distorted and harsh, seeing it as the Shadow, saying you can't break me off, you need to accept me, you will be better off or happy (can't remember exactly what the lyrics were) if you do, I am a part of you. Also, then the Shadow part was looking up at Suga on the stage, seemed like Suga is the Persona, his stage name he puts on for BTS, while Yoongi is his whole self, and maybe he wants to make sure he doesn't fly too high as Suga, he would need his Shadow self to balance it out to stay grounded as Min Yoongi. Hope I kept it simple, tried to interpret a Psych website. It was never my favorite subject! Loved the song tho! Also, not sure about the red door, saw a theory that it could be a reference to the seven plagues of Egypt, and the Jews who put red around the doors were spared from pestilence, but who knows!


The red on the door is a reference to a 2009 art installation by Anish Kapoor. He put a giant red block of wax on a track like a train inside a a royal building in London and laid the tracks through the doors of several rooms. The block was too big for the door ways so as it proceeded through the rooms on the tracks through each door, red wax was left behind on the frames of the doors. In an attempt to fit through the door (to fit the mold as it progresses on its journey) it's shed some of what it was--left it behind in a mess. Also, if it helps, the shadow is the portion of self that is subconscious where aspects of your self that have been suppressed (usually due to negative feedback or social criticism) lie. I think the idea of the song is that as the lights get brighter on him (his fame grows) his shadow is fed and empowered to the point where he begins to over-identify with it (as Namjoon has begun to over-identify with his Persona). Toward the end of the song, when we switch perspectives from Suga on the stage to Yoongi in the crowd, we're now listening to his Shadow ("you are me and I am you, you can't break me off, we are one body"). And because he says "I wanna be me" as the Shadow, I think he's identifying with those darker aspects of himself. Darker aspects that all of the negative parts of fame have developed in him (anger at the lack of privacy, his own exhibitionism for commodification, fear of and insecurity about failing or disappointing others). I think now that we've all learned to Love Ourselves through the LY/SY series, we're working on making sure that love is directed at our true selves (Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi) and not our over-inflated versions of self (Persona/Shadow/Ego). Just my hot take on the message. And, of course, there's the more immediately accessible interpretation about Yoongi struggling with the dark side of fame--fan sites, saesangs, even seeing phones instead of faces at concerts...I love that the boys really take time to make sure there are layers upon layers upon layers. Anyway, that's just my thoughts! Such a great song! ART.

Minnie Me

Bighit released the schedule for this comeback with all the teasers and concept photo release dates, so if you guys wanna put that on your schedules, it should be on bighit's twt for BTS.

Minnie Me

You guys should also watch xceleste's video explaining her theory about this video. It's really good and the video is only about 5 and a half minutes.


In the MV the people in the black outfits try to push a door open (forcing) . People are comparing it to the FAKE LOVE MV because J-hope panics and trys to keep the door shut.


Their alot of theories going around of connection to persona and Jimins solo...


They dont recognize min yoongi in the crowd because they were focused on Suga.


i had to watch this on the bus to new jersey cause im going to a seventeen concert and i was an emotional mess cause of lack of sleep lol


Wanted to say so many things but it is all explained already. So...there is nothing more to say other than...the song is fire. I love how hyped you were. I have to admit this is one of my favorite intros... Yoongi has been very vocal about it for a long time now and to see that covered in a song...the emotion...damn. Love you guys 💜💜