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I recommend you watch a video on their super powers. This one is the best 😊 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RLStAMji4CA


Also this guide on exo is amazing




I truly recommend reacting to the individual guides to each member though. I believe it is the ones by Mouma K EXO-L Here is Chens https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0JKRX5hz9Ig


I hope you will start with exo showtime, it will help you to know them better.. 😍😍😍


This one will really help to get to know the members individually 👍


So, guys here’s the thing about EXO. They were 12 members that were divided into 2 subunits: EXO-K (Kai, Suho, Baekhyun, Sehun, D.O, Chanyeol) and EXO-M (Kris, Luhan, Tao, Lay (they are Chinese), Chen, Xiumin (they are Korean). In 2014, Kris filled a lawsuit against SM ent. To terminate his contract and left the group (one of the reasons that I remember was because he wasn’t allowed musical freedom or any freedom actually but you can look up more info on him if you want) and went back to China. Later, Luhan also left the group due to health reasons (from what I remember they had started touring and LuHan has a fear of flying so it was hard for him to get in planes and eventually left). Later in 2015 Tao also left (I don’t exactly remember the reasons for him). And since then EXO has promoted as 9 members. BUT, a problem at the end of 2016 happened between China and Korea (China banned all Korean things and celebrities due to the dispute and it’s actually still going on). Because of this Lay was put in a difficult situation since he’s Chinese, a really popular celebrity and the ambassador for Youth of China but he’s in a Korean group... He’s still a part of EXO but he hasn’t participated in the comebacks since kokobop (he participated in the Chinese mv for tempo and on the song but he didn’t promote it) ( there’re all still very close though and lay goes to Korea almost every month, even when he doesn’t have a schedule and hangs out with them). Now, for the members in the military. Xiumin in 30 yrs old (Korean age) (he looks like a baby though) which means that he HAS to go to the military THIS year (he’s been there since earlier this year). And D.O (he’s 27 Korean age) decided to go to the military earlier than the maximum age limit which is 30 (he went about a month after Xiumin did). This is why you guys only saw 6 members in Obsession. Also, Suho is the next member going to the military next year at some point (hopefully later in the year) since he’s 29 Korean age (this year). By the time Xiumin and D.O get out, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Chen will be going (they’re the same age) since they’re 28 Korean age. By the time Siho gets out then it’s Kai and then by the time the 3 come out it’ll be Sehun which is why they’ll reunite in 2026........ don’t know if that got you more confused or if it helped. Oh and you should definitely react to their individual guides instead (from Mouma K)


ive been a fan for 6 years and this is still overwhelming to me.