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He-he-he. He. He-he. (evil laugh as NSD start to watch Mix&Match)


The fact that iKON managed to fill up and do a Dome tour (with only them performing) before they were 2 years old (after debut) is still amazing to me


Thank you for watching Mix & Match. So yea, the last member will join them after a month, that's why it's only Chanwoo and Jinhyeong at first. I think the original plan is that only the 3 new members will compete to be with team b as iKON, it's like Team B + 1 new member = iKON. But YG changed the rules making Yunhyeong, Junhoe, and Donghyuk compete against the 3 new members, so only 4 out of 6 competing members will join Hanbin, Jinhwan, and Bobby to be an official iKON member. And wait for me, is one of the best fan song of iKON, it's basically about iKON asking their fans to wait for them cuz' they'll come and meet their fans soon. Enjoy Mix & Match, and try not to shed tears I guess 🤷 Haha




Let David & Kevin find out what happen along with the episodes, please don't comment spoiler. The reaction will be more fun if they don't know what gonna happen next. ❤

Nat Manna

LOL I thought you guys already know the meaning behind the name of iKON lol.. Anyway, Chan Woo was CHILD ACTOR for Lee Min Ho's part (he's huge actor in South Korea) lol Chanwoo is so witty since very beginning. and yes Jin Hyeong become solo singer, I love him. Anyway, Enjoy the rest of Mix And Match, prepare some tissues (talking to myself), my heart's broken every time I'm re-watching MnM but here I am watching it again with yous.

Jennifer Z

Yes! I'm glad Mix & Match won the poll lol so it isn't explained very well in this episode but there will be a 3rd guy that will be introduced in a different episode and he will also be competing for a spot in iKON. There are 4 spots available right now and Donghyuk, Yunhyeong, Junhoe, Chanwoo, Jinhyeon and the other dude will compete for those 4 spots. In this episode YG hasn't told them yet. About Chanwoo's roles what they meant by Lee Minho's part was that he played the child/younger version of Lee Minho's character. Also it was funny seeing the part where Yunhyeong says he and chanwoo look alike because Chanwoo said in a vlive, I think, that he didn't think they looked alike he just agreed to get on their good side

Jennifer Z

Yes! I'm glad Mix & Match won the poll lol so it isn't explained very well in this episode but there will be a 3rd guy that will be introduced in a different episode and he will also be competing for a spot in iKON. There are 4 spots available right now and Donghyuk, Yunhyeong, Junhoe, Chanwoo, Jinhyeon and the other dude will compete for those 4 spots. In this episode YG hasn't told them yet. About Chanwoo's roles what they meant by Lee Minho's part was that he played the child/younger version of Lee Minho's character. Also it was funny seeing the part where Yunhyeong says he and chanwoo look alike because Chanwoo said in a vlive, I think, that he didn't think they looked alike he just agreed to get on their good side


One of the reasons I can’t leave iKON is their fan songs. They keep asking us “Wait for me” then “Long time no see” and promised to “Make U Proud”. The ending song of iKON TV is another fan song “Just for you”, HanBin has written so many songs for iKONIC. And you know girls fall in love through ears 😂 we like sweet words and promises and he so damn good at making those.


I think Patreon ate my comment, but it's okay because I was going to edit it anyway. I keep accidentally posting my comments before I finish typing them, so this happens to me a lot... Haha. Anyway, thank you for reacting!! I almost started rewatching this myself a few days ago because after going through Win again with you guys, it felt wrong not to follow up with Mix and Match. I'm glad it won the poll!


you will understand the rules better while watching but at this time, the boys weren’t yet aware that they will have to compete for the spot. they just assumed they will be 8 unless someone slacks off.


iKON made sooo many songs for ikonics btw. many years has passed and they’re always expressing their gratitude through their songs 😭 if you have time, you can watch this “Climax, 2013 to 2016” <a href="https://youtu.be/-88E2WE_zso" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/-88E2WE_zso</a> lots of tears lol and thanks for understanding why some of them seemed defensive, bcs that time, some members got hated by some people bcs of their reactions to the new members. just imagine, how complicated the situation was for such nice kids to be acting that way. during the period when they’re just trainees where they should be keeping their feelings inside for their images on tv, it’s actually cool how they could still be so real and honest despite being filmed. i mean, they’re not bad or anything bcs throughout the show, they all helped the new trainees A LOT. this was just them being protective of the team they went through hell with for 5 months :D thanks for this reaction! have a nice day ❤️


I remember an interview where Chanwoo says that Jay was the scariest during this first meeting. LOL now Jay's the one Chanwoo likes to tease the most 😆 As for Bobby, I think he was unhappy with the situation like the rest but considering his personality, he didnt want to make it hard or uncomfortable for the new kids. In a radio show, someone was saying that he was so surprised at Bobbys personality because he only saw him in smtm; that Bobby was always smiling and laid back. Jay answered that Bobby is always smiling and is their team's happy virus! Such a softy!😍 Anyways, loved watching this with you guys and can't wait for your reactions to the coming episodes! (I actually binged watched M&amp;M after you guys finished WIN... Couldnt wait 😅.. But still so hyped to watch it with you guys again!) Side note: Daesung!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😄so funnny! Love him and his humor💕 Thanks again!!!


Funny Thing about Lee Minho, he actually finished his Military Service TODAY 😂


Guys i am sorry to mention this here but can u upload the got7 "meat"ing reaction here in patreon please!


I was amazwd at how brave these 2 newbies were when they met Team B. Im sure they were nervous but to actually join an already established cohesive team so they can make their dream to become a singer come true, thats just gutsy and as an introvert, I respect that a lot. And the stares they received from BI, Jay and June are no joke. I think I will faint if that was me. 😅 In hindsight, this first meeting showed how real iKon is. From the get go, they always show their true feelings whether theryre being filmed or not. They tease each other a lot but if their brotherhood is threatened, we can bet that they will stand up for each other. One of the reasons why I love ikon. Btw, I remember when Kevin was reacting by his lonesone with a cardboard cutout of David. That was cute and sad at the same time. Please dont do that again. 😄 Its always better if its the two of you otgether. Pack4Life!


you guys are in too deep with the fandom now, even David is out here saying 'look at jay, he's so smol' in a fond voice. That's how you know you're in too deep. You're talking fan language haha. Kevin needs to stop making fun of my boy Song smh. But honestly i agree, i can't stop giggling when Song is out there doing hip hop, street type dancing. Cause i mean, he's actually a VERY good dancer, surprisingly. I never really doubted him, but i also never really focused on him either. But recently I look at him more cause he's amazing, one of the best dancers on the group in my opinion. But it's funny seeing him all serious and hip hop when he's really a sensitive, cute guy that is the biggest dork in the world. OMG so im watching this with you guys and gasped, cause Bobby is at the airport i go to ooF. Recently he was in Virginia and i wanted to die. It's just so cool being from the same state as him...that just means i have a chance to meet him one day. It's slim but way more likely than like BTS or something. Wow, they played One Direction -- i was ATTACKED. That was not at all expected, especially cause it's not even a popular song or a title track (its called I Wish). And here we go again with Kevin being an educated man and mentioning Codes Name Kids Next Door. We stan. I felt SO bad for Chanwoo and that cute guy whose name I forgot, Jinyoung? Jinhyeong? idk. I understand the hesitation but wow, it's like being the two kids no one knows at a birthday party and you're just awkwardly sitting there while everyone else knows each other and are friends :( and when Hanbin said they can't act and must only wanna sing, i also felt bad. Cause there are so many passionate idols that sing and act. Like Taehyung and all of EXO act. I wonder if Chanwoo hasn't acted since then cause of what Hanbin said? idk. But i get it. It's so weird to throw a member in a group...but i mean, it works out in the end. And for their song at the end, can i just say Song improved SO MUCH? Cause June, DK and Jinhwan were already pretty good, so they just improved a little cause they were high up to begin with, but WOW, Song went from okay to amazing.


Hanbin's future girlfriend is one lucky girl because he is so sweet and romantic hehe


Yaaaasss!!!! So happy that M&amp;M won the poll and you guys are finally watching it. This show got way more fun rewatching with you guys. Those side comments everytime YG says something are really hilarious. I also love the fact that you really know each iKON members now that you even know how each of them would react on certain scenarios. Another thing i like about this is that they don't have to compete with another team.. They are just adding a member so the style of music is more clear.. They don't have to experiment with what style or genre to go for. I'm excited for the next episode! Thanks guys! 💖


I also liked what Jinwhan said, like let's be real, the old members don't want new members, but they can't do anything about it. Both parties just have to suck it up, and do their best to survive. The old members also have to work with the new ones, since they will be competing to be in the group, which will eventually impact the final line-up. Hence, I appreciate that they voiced out that they dislike what's happening, but they will still help them. In addition, I like how they set a certain standard from the beginning for the new members to work hard for. Honestly, one of the reasons I like iKON is their bluntness without being disrespectful/rude.


Please guys. React to this too. 👆 Pack4life 💕


Omg I agree. Thank you for the link Kief!


I'm no good with spoilers since I personally love cliff-hangers/ generally just enjoy watching things with zero expectations so I'd just wrap up my thoughts on this yet-another-amazing reaction with a short sentence: Yall are such ikonics!! ++ Random but your reaction videos are looking increasingly aesthetic and visually appealing these days hehe yall really do feed us well 😋 As always, I'm looking forward to more great ikon reactions ahead! Love yall~


Guys! Guys! Remember the YG Fam concert link I sent you? That was from the YG fam concert tour! I hope you watch it soon on your other ikon schedules!


lol I remember watching this show when it aired. I used to hate Hanbin at the time because I thought he was mean and arrogant. now he's one of my ultimate biases in Kpop. How the tables have turned 😂