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NSD REACT TO 'W.I.N: Who is Next' EP.8



hello, nice reaction


i think yg telling them to change the lyrics was fair, it is afterall an hiphop song and rap is heavily based on lyrics, it makes it easier for the judges and audience to follow and understand their intention. i agree baby was a bad song, but it gave team b an opportunity to try something new. i think team As victory was very well deserved. sidenote: team As song barely had any english (this is kpop after all)


honestly... is it that important to change the lyrics at the very last minute of their 3 performance battle? As I've said before, the timing is suspect. The 50/50 is 2 types of method for audience to vote. The results of first battle was something like 1.24% right? The 2nd battle.. they were behind by half a percent. 0.51% If you look at the pattern, Team B was getting closer and closer at each battle. The final battle, YG didn't release the results detail. He just announced the winner.


They did SMTM3 first (March) and then later Mix & Match (May) and then both were going on simultaneously. Then you get understand more the some goings on in Mix & Match later. And why some rappers were asked to be judges at Mix & Match. Bobby just embraced that environment .. and Hanbin when he 'showed' himself on stage. During SMTM3, Bobby was still 18 yrs old , Hanbin was 17.


we got the break down of the scores the last few seconds. and even if we didnt, do you think yg rigged the last battle so team a could win. i am ikonic but i think we shouldnt be undermining team a success. when the judges were criticizing the teams, they talked about lyrics, dance , stage presence etc. if team b song has as much english as yg claimed, were the judges( except jyp) supposed to say " you guys did great, your lyrics are probably amazing". apart from the lyrics, teamA had a better song , i found nothing suspicious, no matter how much we dont like yg, we should give him a lot more credit.

Bored Ahjumma

Ep 8 was tough to watch. Team B got screwed by YG 🤬 Sorry guys... I always get angry at the old man for putting Team B through all that lyrics fiasco.


Well obviously team a shined better in this episode... and Smile again is a unique song , even if Winnin by ikon wasnt changed it will still not be as good of a song as smile again. But yeah poor team B had to change the verse last minute (the hook n main chorus is the same thou, only verse was changed). And I dont think YG cheated on team B on purpose, please dont take YG as evil person the non-Yg fans and media is portraying him. He is actually nice to his artists. Not “friendliest” but he cares.


I agree.. it was an honest result. And YG even admitted to requesting the sudden change so its not like he hid it to make team B look bad.


I think this was the first time YG actually gave some advice when he was critiquing them. I can't remember, though, but I think when he told Hanbin to stretch more and WHY, that was the first time he gave them some advice to improve, instead of just telling them what was wrong. I also love how happy Jinhwan got when he was complimented. His smile was so big :) i think team A did amazing!!!! They improved SO MUCH on their performance and dance, they really got a lot better and their dancing was great. I think if minho wasn't injured, they may have even been on par with their dancing. Team A was better, but team A was really close. The scores were perfect to me and overall, Team A definitely won the first round for me by their singing and how much they improved on dancing, while Team B was lacking in the singing but was good in the dancing. I don't think YG was trying to screw team b over. Like you said, we didn't see the lyrics, maybe they were just 'lame' or 'bad' lyrics. And we're also not lyricist or artists, so it's hard to judge it like that. As viewers, especially people who don't understand lyrics cause of the language barrier and listen more to their voices, it's hard to judge that sense. I think the english thing could've been cause they're not fluent in english, only bobby, and the singers were probably doing the english so they may not have sounded good while singing it and weren't fluent enough to pull it off, since there seemed to be a lot of english. I would be shocked if they didn't fight over this, they're all cranky and tired and stressed. They're all 15-19 years old teenagers, they're gonna fight sadly. I felt bad for all of them. And i hate seeing Jinhwan cry, he seems like the type to cry when he's stressed. I wanna sit and excuse Jinhwan his singing, all their singing actually, but when Team A messed up with their singing, i didn't excuse it. It hurts cause i love ikon but jinhwan is also my bias, but I have to be fair. Team b also went through rough patches and i wanna keep my bias aside so yeah, no excuses here. Team B's vocals were not very good, and considering Jinhwan is the main vocalist, if his vocals are lacking, it can sadly ruin the whole song :( that's what sucks about being a main vocal, you're carrying the song and it didn't help that song and june were a little off too. The rapping was great, but not enough to save the performance. For once, I think team B got a lot of bias here in this episode, they went very easy on them in the critiquing, while in the past when team A messed up they really got hammered with critique. Team A definitely won overall for me. Smile Again is my style of music and they also sounded amazing. Their song was just amazing and hyped and we didn't see much of their practicing, so they could've also had a lot less sleep and been stressing.


Smile again is actually my favorite perf from Team A during the entire program so I agree that it was the winning song. And it fits Team A a lot more than the stuff they’ve done before. (The song was added to Winner’s debut album too btw)


Actually b.i and Bobby had another two song prepared that wasn't much about hip hop but if I'm not wrong jinhwan wanted to show more like hip hip side of them.. it's not bad tho but I get curious about the other two song.. for me sounded more like the type of smile again which was a good song for me but a little corny for my taste but definitely better than winning


Despite all context, I feel like the self-composed song really showed that team B was not ready to debut yet. The difference between the vocals there and now is huge, that's why I have such peace with WIN's result as well, because they got the chance to mature. Also let's please not get into conspiracy theories. You could also interpret the situation as YG purposefully helping Team B because their lyrics were just bad. We never actually saw the first draft. You know what I mean? We can't honestly say what went on behind the scenes. Lastly, wow Team A's performance was amazing! Its one of the first performances where I really couldn't stop smiling and truly felt their confidence, so it kinda completes their "arc" imo of them learning to have fun on stage hahah. Also props to Minho dancing with his ankle!


Imo this is Team A's best perf and they deserved to win this battle. Now that I saw this episode again, it madw me realize that Team B was indeed not ready to debut yet. Dont get me wrong, I was mad at YG when I first watched this. But seeing it now, I kinda understand why he wanted the lyrics changed. I just wished he made them do the change earlier but truth is we dont know when he saw/heard the original song in the first place.


I think YG asking team B to change their lyrics wasn’t a bad thing. He was looking out for them. I’d rather perform on stage with good lyrics and less practice time than to be able to perform with more time to practice but shitty lyrics ykwim.


actually, they started filming mix and match first and started doing smtm throughout the process of filming mix and match. i think you've confused it with the airing dates, because yes, smtm was aired first before m&m.


I believe it is this reason why Jinhwan cried so much post the confrontation in this episode. "That he feels that everything became this way because of him" that it was his fault. Of course, it was only in his good intention that he suggested song changes though, but I guess Jinhwan felt that the reason why they were so uncharacteristically underprepared this time round was because of the lack of time they had to practice their finalised performances. plus, it was the first time where they had to prepare their own self composed song, their own dance routine and a remix to an exisitng song all in the same month. it's hard and for a group of young teenage boys, even harder.


well you can't really say that their first version of lyrics "were just bad" if we never actually saw the first draft. like you said, it could have been bad, or it could have actually been good. we don't know. i wouldn't necessarily say i'm in peace with with WIN's results knowing how much effort the team B boys put into this.. if you think about it in real time, imagine how scared those youngs boys would have been during this whole process. their one dream came crashing down on them in one instant, ~6 months of hard work, sleepless nights, gone in an instant. i get that's probably not what you meant to say. but the wording does give that implication.


Team A definitely wins this battle, I’ll never question that. However, if people are basing their vote just because on ONE battle then I think it’s really unfair for team b. It was almost an all kill win for team b since the first one except for this. The FINAL one, I really cannot Fully comment right now since you have yet to see them perform but I guess that final battle will be based on viewers taste since it finally shows the path team a wants to go (genre wise) Composing wise, team B might be lacking in this battle but in the final round, let me just remind everyone that “Climax” remains superior up to this day. If team b was lacking as a composer at this battle, he definitely proved that he can be 10x better within wks. I’m talking about the final round. And their climax performance sealed it for me. So I cannot accept that they cannot debut just because of this ONE battle. Again, if you’re talking about composing songs, look back at climax, who doesn’t remember that? Sorry for the spoiler, but you already saw the climax perf so I guess that’s fine.


This one underprepared performance suddenly appears to be the reason why many believe Team B were not ready to debut. I strongly disagree. Everyone else was ready to give allowance for Team A's improvements throughout this show, and not ready to say .. oh Team A isn't ready to debut based on their disappointing performances previously, but at the first sign of Team B not performing as well as they should have, there seems to be a conclusion made already. I understand it though, because I guess watching it again, with the results already known... everyone would be searching for a reason why Team B would have lost. Like... really searching... trying to find anything and any event to direct it to. I would just like to see, if we were ready to see how Team A grew throughout the 8 episodes so far.. I'd like the same for Team B, despite there only being 2 episodes left.. to show how much they can improve, identify what they need to work on, and work on it in the finale. Because they have so much heart that wasn't showed properly until the very very end. Because even if they already had an inkling that they were at such a disadvantage with unknown members etc., all they wanted was to be on stage.


to each their own, i wouldn't say winnin was not as good of a song as smile again, because everyone has their own preferences. like your obvious preferences towards smile again, i much preferred winnin' on first watch and still prefer winnin to this day, and finding smile again bland. which again just emphasises on the fact that whether a song is 'good' or 'not' is purely subjective


There's only one battle left and although they do way better than they did here they still lose 😭 also I have a question what are you guys going to do about episode 10 its divided into 2 videos with each being an hour long


And another thing that is upsetting, is that when Team A KEPT ON LOSING EVERY BATTLE (apologies if I have to emphasize but just wanted to say that it didn’t happen just once) was that everyone was ready to defend them, that they can’t have fun because the song wasn’t right for them and stuff but now that Team B LOST JUST 1 BATTLE, then people are quick to judge that “ahh they are not yet ready to debut”, the treatment should be the same but it feels like people are waiting for them to lose just one battle to finally say that they are not ready to debut. Some people might say that, these last 3 battles are the most crucial ones since it will decide their fate. Well that is true, but I think the only battle that was clearly won by Team A among the 3 was the 2nd one, The 1st battle is definitely Team B so there’s still one left. So currently, it’s a tie. On the final one, the dance and collab rounds will be based on the viewer’s taste (if you’re hiphop or more on contemporary) but on the self-composed song, again, I will never get tired of repeating this but the final round was owned by CLIMAX, wether you’re IC or an iKONIC, the final episode is the CLIMAX EPISODE, they are both great when it comes to their collab and dance rounds but CLIMAX IS SUPERIOR. So even after watching this the 2nd time, the narrative still played a strong part. That is my stand. Apologies again If I said too much, but you already know what will happen in the end so better say my opinion now since I think the comments will explode in the last eps of your WIN reaction. Thank you again for your reactions. Can’t wait for you to watch mix and match but you guys should take a break. Like watch some happy iKON videos before moving to mix and match.


It was a clear win for Team A in this episode because they are far more prepared and the actual song was amazing.. The lyrics..melody..delivery.. Team A conveyed the message of the song clearly. Team A can really go deep with their songs as well because most of them had girlfriends and had life experiences that musicians look for for inspiration because they are older...Team B had those moments and type of deep and beautiful lyrics during the later part...I think having too much english in Team B's song wasn't really the real issue because YG family is known to have a lot of English in their songs.. It was probably the delivery or consistency with the message of the song..I just wished YG had given Team B more time to prepare because everything was taking a toll on each members. Not everyone can function well with all those stress. Anyway.. I love how you guys are always unbiased with your opinions and appreciate each group with their talents. 👍❤️❤️


I guess I still don’t understand why everyone stresses the lyric change, I mean, if they weren’t good lyrics then change it (in my opinion). Team B was especially in a time crunch because they hadn’t settled on a song yet, leaving less time to work on the lyrics for the song that they ended up performing. I’m sure YG also listened to Team A, but seeing as they didn’t change, the lyrics must have been okay. I know people get caught up in hating YG but I really do think he wants to have artists, or in this case trainees, that aren’t performing with mediocre or incomprehensible lyrics. As for it having too much English, that could mean a number of things. It could sound off, be mistranslated, or come off as trying too hard. I have heard plenty of Kpop songs with cringy or confusing English lines. And the reality is that they are performing for a Korean audience, if there is a too much English it’s off putting for the average Korean listener who can’t follow along.


it’s something about editing actually. they mostly just edited out negative comments about teamB i think? and just like what you both feeling right now, those who already resided with TeamA back then were not happy that there’s no negative comments abt teamB 😅 where most people don’t realize that it can be edited out. Even in previous episode with Bigbang and 2ne1, some of them said some comments in preview but edited out from the broadcasted episode. Not sure what the production tried to do back then but whatever that is, it’s not giving good image to TeamB and we were really frustrated too. and yes about them getting iv drips, the boys recently revealed that they always had ambulance on standby for them during all the battles. imagine how intense everything was 😭


the subs weren’t that accurate i think. when Jinhwan cried, he said it’s bcs Hanbin was having a hard time, not himself.


Exactly, it's unfair to say the first draft was bad, just as it's unfair to say Team B was being purposely sabotaged or something. My point is that we don't know the truth and conspiracy theories really undermine both Team A and Team B's hard work. And my words were definitely not meant to deny the struggles Team B went through, I really sympathise with them especially knowing about M&M and SMTM later, but it's kinda comforting for me to know they're successful now. As a winkon stan this is the best possible way events could've gone, so that's what I mean when I say I'm at peace with everything that happened in WIN.


If you guys are concerning about reacting to another group I'll recommend BtoB. Their song type are similar to iKONs but a little more ballady. They are one of the best vocal groups and they're also referred as the funniest Kpop group in the industry (its officially voted by idols) and they're really fun to watch (literally one fifth of all the Kpop Funny Moments online is on them). If you would like to react to them I would recommend watching a fan made funny moment series called "Reserved and Quiet Idols: Btob" (There are ten episodes and all of them are very funny) And if you would like to react to their MV, I would recommend watching "Missing You" or "Beautiful Pain". One thing I love about Btob is that they really focus on their music while they can be fun and crazy just like iKON. Hope you guys can react to them. They're kind of underrated outside of Korea but I like them a lot and I hope you guys will too. Of course if you guys don't its fine. Its just a recommendation from me.