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Beverly Natasya

Finally AHL new episode :) Should i watch it now or tomorrow? but i have to go to work in less than 5 hours and i havent sleep yet hahaha..


Sleep now chicka. Take care of yourself. Watch this as a reward for working hard tomorow. ^-^


Ahh! This is the greatest! So much heart in these episodes! Jin and J-Hope with the Beatboxer. Such a great spirit between the three! And V singing Michael Buble will never not send. Sister Act II was one of my favorite movies growing up so seeing the boys react to it was such a joy. And they didn't know who Whoopi Goldberg was but now JK wears the shirt she gave them off her back in that interview. #fullcircle Ugh. This, for me, is why every ARMY has to watch AHL. So endearing. Editing this comment to add that J-Hope looks like a whole damn meal this whole episode. It just had to be acknowledged.


This AHL episode felt so good because V finally got some praise in the show, and was not looked at like a non-serious person. Suga, V, and JK's interaction with Ms. Iris was my favourite, I wish they could have visited her while she was here, but well their chemistry would be cherished forever!


Ahhh... probably my favourite episode of the entire thing. Iris was so sweet with the boys, the beatboxing master was so amazing with Jin and Hope, interested in their culture and such, and the dancer was sooo funny making Jimin run with those weights. 20kg is a lot! It's like 1/3 of Jimin's body weight (This is an estimate based on what I have seen on their weights.) I think these teachers were more informed possibly and could appreciate the range of talent more. For example Iris was an R&B singer and that's where V's talent lies as a baritone so naturally she could be the one to praise him most sincerely. I think it also helped him gain some confidence in his voice because it is so different from the other three. On another note sassy Jimin came to play and it makes me laugh every time, and I just remembered what happens in the next episodes and cannot wait for his reappearance. With that I take my leave and bid you adieu. Hope you have a fantastic day!


This is my favourite episode bc Tae finally recibes de love and advise he deserves.


Omg so much cringe in this episode! But I love it. I always find it funny that they were learning about Whoopi goldberg and not knowing who she was because then obviously years later they met her on the Graham Norton show (when she gave them her shirt lol). Surreal. Cant wait for next weeks episode, I hope it's the one with angry Jimin (because of the annoying kid) 🤣 Have a nice week 😁

Dryyym You

Ahh I love your reactions to AHL so much, I'm having a great time rewatching everything with you😊 Can I recommend you guys "Learn the alphabet with BTS " series, those are hilarious: <a href="https://youtu.be/49HRgn2diyA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/49HRgn2diyA</a>

Dryyym You

And for your future Vlive's reactions there's iconic Taehyung's live  <a href="https://www.vlive.tv/video/33811" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.vlive.tv/video/33811</a> where he's being savage while eating burgers, giving armys advices and telling some interesting stories 😂


I love the episode...if I skip the MV part 😂. That MV was a disgrace for the song...it didn't fit the vibe of the song. But that's a different story. I loved these instructors. Iris was my absolute favourite. She was so motivational and tried to work with their strengths instead of pointing out weaknesses. I liked that bc they actually learned something and gained confidence. I can see them applying some of the things they learned from her still to this day. Faazh...I don't know if I really spelled that correctly...was great. He took care of them and gave them useful advice and explained it in a simple way so that they could understand it. He had genuinely fun with them. The other instructor...I forgot his name 🙈...had a great way to teach Jimin not to take things lightly (literally) and not to be a bit arrogant or cocky about things. Do the things you have to do right and in a proper manner. I loved it. Thank you for your reaction as always 💜💜💜


i love how shy yoongi, tae and jungkook were with the girls, it never fails to amuse me. I always get second hand embarrassment during the scene with jin and jhope finding their beatbox master. just imagine two guys coming up to you during lunch and beatboxing lol. Namjoon does get abused lol, poor thing. Maybe he's not the one putting himself in danger, it's always the other boys haha. The craziest thing to me is that they asked who Whoopi Goldberg is and she was the lady that gave them her shirt and omg, that's just crazy. And i also love Tae, lol. He was just so innocent at this time, and he still has these innocent moments where he just says something so confidently and doesn't realize it doesn't make sense lol. I truly think this is the moment when Taehyung actually became confident in his voice. In kpop, baritones are VERY rare, especially in 2014. And back then, Taehyung had barely any lines (along with Jin, and they still don't have many but it's gotten better). And when Tae did have lines, they always had him do this very husky, raspy voice and doing that can actually ruin your throat tbh, so i'm glad he doesn't anymore. But I don't think he was very confident in his singing voice. Iris really complimented him, and it was nice cause he was getting teased a lot in the show and kind of called dumb or a disadvantage, but she was the one that truly gave him credit for something involving music and didn't ridicule him. I think she really made Tae feel special and important and that he is an ADVANTAGE, it just warmed my heart cause we KNOW he felt more confident after this. He actually posted his first and only true cover after this 'Someone like You' and that just showed how touched he was. I also think, considering Tae is a family oriented person, he felt that bit of home along with Jungkook and even Yoongi. She gave them that motherly feeling they've been missing &lt;3 J-Hope and Namjoon were just more natural with the girls in the music video cause they're the only ones that had relationships. Jungkook, Jimin and Jin haven't really experienced dating much (that we know of) and Yoongi said he had a girlfriend, but that was when he was 12 but they broke up cause he was awkward lol. The only other time he's talked about dating is when he said his ideal type isn't limited to a girl, so i guess he's open minded with dating anyone, though some say the translation is wrong but others say it's not considering some of his lyrics hint at him being into both genders but regardless we support him no matter, as long as he's happy :) Tae said he has tried dating but struggles to keep a relationship cause he's busy, so i think he just kind of gave up cause he wants something serious.


Tae said that he had been having trouble hearing clearly from one of his ears the last couple of days and it was getting worse so he decided to go to the hospital. We also learn that he didn't tell any of his members whee he was going and had been pretending that nothing was wrong around them because he didn't want to worry them.


This is my favourite episode. I remember watching this fors the first time back in the day, I was so surprised of V's voice. I mean, of course I new he was a baritone, but they never really used his voice properly, so when I heard him singing "Oh happy day"... wow, it was just amazing!!! And also I was really into Gospel at that time, I was in choir ahahahah omg. So it was so meaningful to me! As Angie said, we know that Tae gained confidence from that lesson with Iris. I'm not going to repeat what she said, but I agree with everything!


i was waiting for your reaction to this episode, my favorit moment is when they meet Iris such a sweet heart i just love V's voice 💜 also just clearing up something there the show is a korean show so when Jk was messing around with thePierre stylist as a little brat the subtitles were saying «he is indeed 18 years old» because you know in korea they make you 2 years older because when you are only a new born and just 1 day old you are considered 1 year old in korea and in the new year you're becoming 1 year older so you just got 2 years old as new fetus just coming outpas from the whomb 😂 just letting you know that in international age JK is 16 in 2014 in American Hustle life and when the airplane episode will come out he will say his age which si 16 on international age enjoy ✌


oh man i cant watch it


Didnt know these got blocked, thanks for letting us know, we'll be working on getting them up again, sorry about that! 😕


Thanks! I will watch it tomorrow because its already to late here (germany)!!! Thanks!!!!!


I can’t watch this particular video 🥺


Hey Kendra! If the link and password aren't working try opening it on desktop view on chrome or safari and hopefully it works. Daily motion is weird sometimes and the app doesnt work like it should 🙃 lol sorry about the issues and mesg us if you're still having problems 😊


Oh, looks like the vid has now been blocked…