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GUYS REACT TO 'W.I.N: Who is Next' EP.6



Uhm guys its not working...


Sounds iffy 😢


My bad, it was my earphones thats messed up. 😅😅😅


The result of the first battle (audience vote ) is Team A won by 2.53%. Yep. Team B was THAT close. The 2nd battle results I will reveal after the broadcast of reaction to that. I will however tell you that YG had decided not to disclose the Final (3rd Battle) results but just announced the winner of WIN.


How on earth do Team B lose this show? It is the fact that you guys constantly feel bad that they kept losing,,, you're subconsciously doing it without even thinking.. it's the way the show was designed to make you feel .. Even at the end of the episode, rather than celebrating how Team B won and the hard work behind that excellent stage they just delivered,, the cameras went straight to Team A and how they are sad and down. And how they keep losing to the other team, and how they should do better and not be afraid. For a battle that is 100% dependent on viewer votes later on.. how do they not get pity votes? (plus they're the older group, the group with famous members). They're portraying Team B as a group that just does well no matter what, because they're younger, equally as talented and have no apparent fear. Which we only later on do we finally see is not the case, these kids are not all born talented dancers nor singers, some of them weren't blessed with stage charisma or presence, but it is through their hard work and their continuous effort that they are able to minimise those flaws from showing in their evaluations. i wish that was shown more in win. :(


With no already famous members in their group, that 2.53% is an amazing feat. A no-name Team B with no narrative or pity story to their team was able to do that :(


Guys it doesn't work??


Lol..when B.i rap lyrics said he also have big bag...Park Bom laugh because at that time she was famous for always bringing big bag around along with her doll name Poong Poongi...I love this episode a lot..i mean, this is the start..where they perform on stage... I remember during the whole Win season, i didnt like Team A at all..the only moment i start to like them is when i start watching WinnerTv, which is after WIN done..my heart broken but i still wanna give Winner a chance bc they are also part of YG Family..life is complicated as YG fan lol..but i'm glad i watch Winnertv..i mean, i almost hated cutie dork all my life..lol... ..you guys should react to that too..Since its also under YG...this two group has very strong brotherhood bond ...and Winner debut with 공허해 (Empty) which is a song composed by B.I and lyric by B.I and Bobby..i was so happy... and that how how deep their brotherhood spirit is... Mino also always go around saying iKON is his younger brother....and until now i keep asking YG to bring back YG Family spirit..everyone from new generation look so awkward with each other..almost like they came from different company.. perhaps its because they are restricted to talk with each other according to what Bobby said in a show but, come on, i really dont like the vibe they give when they around each other..i just wish they just talk and make jokes like how their sunbaenim did in the past...all fans know they talk to each other when they are not in the public eyes [ roll eyes ]...like YG is so weird, put them in many commercial together but dont allowed them to talk with each other..so weird..Sorry and thanks for reading this ..Long long story, but i need to release some stress [ currrently doing never ending work but here i'm typing a ton of words..wish i have this eagerness when i'm doing my work ..lol..] and i know many of my comment not related to this episode at all...kkkk.....and yeah to add up more point , i personally think Team B or iKON is probably the best dancer group in YG up until now.. i mean all member are all good dancer that they dont even have hole to mess up..Bobby always do what he want kinda dancer but still cannot denied the fact that he is a good dancer to begin with...DK is the main dancer, but he always support the fact that B.I is the best among them..overall still all good dancer in their own way..OMG!!!! i probably can write the whole essay here..i need to stop..bye guys,...really my Final word for this episode..gosh..D.O.N.E ...#peacenowar


iKON is really excellent at making choreographies. It's 2019 and I can still say that iKON is still one of the best groups in Kpop that makes creative choreographies. They aren't one of those groups who does synchronize dancing, but the energy and creativity of their dancing, and executing those is just so mindblowing to watch on stage. I still haven't seen a group today that could do those.


Also, Im happy that youll get to know iKON, Bigbang, 2ne1, Winner, basically the entire YG family just by watching WIN. You'll understand why they're called YG Family by people because even on camera, Bigbang and 2ne1 just treat each other like family or friends., and these sunbaes (seniors) treat Winner and iKON like their younger siblings.

Bored Ahjumma

Team A won it because of the viewer votes guys... as simple as that... Team B can be a better performer but viewers vote decided the winner.


I cant watch it. 😭😭😭 its not available.. but i see comments means other areas can watch it.. but not me 😭😭😭


Like you guys, I watched WIN just recently and it felt so confusing how team B lost. I wont spoil it for you, I am waiting for you guys to see the next episodes so you can see for yourselves how and why they lost. I can say that it broke my heart - good thing Mix and Match came along or I would have cursed YG for all eternity. 😄


It keeps saying unavailable 😞😭


Thank you for writing this comment. It breaks my heart until now how Team B was portrayed as those kids who do well no matter what. It was like all their hardwork was dismissed and it did not mean anything.


Also, B.i is so good at producing music. The remix of GD's song, yall that was really amazing. It's really amazing to witness how good and independent B.i is when it comes to creating amazing music even before debut. He really earned my respect. iKON really did earn my respect. I didn't give it to them just because they are from YG. iKON gave me many reasons why I should respect them as lyricists, musicians, producers, choreographers, singers, rappers, artists, a group in the music and entertainment industry. They worked extremely hard for it since day 1. They deserve it.

Claire Ramey

Are you sure it's not working? I didn't know that it could be unavailable for some areas on Patreon too... Maybe, you should try to use a VPN with a different location? That's what I do, in those situations where I can't watch something or play a game because I live in France ^^


For this battle, Team A is really bland for me. I think it is the way they arranged and sang the song that the flow and vibe of the performance fell through. The only thing they have better than Team B at this time was the vocals, which is understandable since the vocals of Team B needs more training and maturity. This is the reason why Team B's performance is heavily rapped. Team B's vocal line isn't that good, so hanbin tries to maximize their potential by giving each member suitable, albeit short parts, to hide that weakness of the members. For example, Donghyuk vocal tone is soft, but lacks that strength/weight(?) that he has today. So, when he was given the 'cutesy' part, it just fits him well. Other than that, Team B's performance brought you to a journey. It is like they are cohesively performing but at the same time, they show the audience the uniqueness and personalities of each members. Also, their lyrics are witty as hell. They even included puns here and there about bigbang and 2ne1. Hence, their performance for me is more enticing. P.S. this time, it became an advantage for Team B to perform after Team A :P


I'm back!! I feel like I haven't commented in ages haha -- anyway, the first battle is over! I also agree that Team B did better in this round. Vocally, Team A was better, but during Team B's performance I couldn't help but smile, they're just so entertaining to watch. As for dancing, Team A was really underwhelming unfortunately. Team B's dances have always been really inventive, and they definitely showcased that here as well! At the same time however, I do think dancing is not that important?? But I'm just saying that because I'm a fan of BigBang and 2NE1 and they've never had huge choreos either.


Oops I pressed enter too soon. I also wanted to add that when I watched this live, I felt more connected to Team A because I felt like I knew them better as individuals. In Team B it just felt like they were... Team B, as a whole, which is great during performances, but for a viewer-based voting show? Lastly, don't feel bad about criticising either team if you don't like something haha ;) Anyway, this episode was really fun to watch with you guys, so thanks for cheering me up! P.S. for the best viewer experience, just stan WinKon together ;)


So... Hope you enjoyed these Episodes and get ready, because I have Tons to say about Episode 7&8 because those were the Episodes that made me fall in love with Team A 😂


Love your reaction guys..Always makes me smile.


You see guys? That's exactly what happened to me.. I was like "poor team A" .. but it's okay .. both try hard indeed but unfortunately one have to win because it's a competition. Never mind team B always lose in front of the public eyes and that was more sad to me. Doing all right but losing anyway, what is what you suppose to do in that case? That was more difficult to me than just doing all right..


another thing that we can notice here is on how good the arrangements teamB made to GD’s songs. it has always been one of the reasons why their performances were great throughout the show 😊 thanks for your reactions guys 🙌🏻


Team b lost because the end votes are not decided by who's more impressive or has better performances but has more people supporting them and team a had multiple well known members from the beginning of the show. Thought the % was getting bigger and bigger for team B. TEAM B lost The 2nd battle in voting with only 0.52% difference. YG never released the percentage of the last battle (since it was probably all planned who will win) but the end voting was probably less than half of a percent more for Team A lol I was sad back then but looking back I'm glad they lost because instead if winning a survival show they won chanwoo 😂

Nat Manna

2NE1 and Big Bang relationship was really close. 2NE1 always appeared in BigBangTV vice versa lol, and the worked together (in music wise) a lot too. Instead of being Sunbae-Hobae (senior-Junior) they were more like brothers and sisters.

Jennifer Z

Hmmm that's wierd I definitely remember this battle going differently but I guess I was mistaken. I can't wait to watch your reactions for the next episode 😁


I really love this episode and you guys made it even more fun. 😊 I love your reactions to BigBang and 2ne1. They really are a force to be reckoned when you first see them together but really they are just a group of dorks that are really good friends. Also TOP and Bom have the same personality being so ramdom, weird, savage and funny. 😁 YG family is the most intimidating among all groups in kpop because of yg's hip hop background but they are funny when they're fooling around each other. To be honest only Blackpink seems to be out of the yg family circle because yg retricts them so much. Before Bigbang and 2ne1 makes collabs and shows together.. Winner iKON Lee Hi and Akmu siblings did several collabs with each other but nothing with Blackpink...so sad. 😞 I hope you guys stumble upon vids with yg family interaction or like iKON with BigBang or 2ne1. I'm being dramatic about yg family again.. Sorry 👉👈 Anyway.. During this ep iKON obviously killed it🔥 Every performance fits their personalities which makes it more fun to watch. Can't wait for the next ep with you guys. 😘❤️❤️


Thanks for the reaction, guys! It's appreciated, as always. Wow. So, I'm kind of tired of the bias in editing. How did I not notice it the first time I watched this? I didn't follow this during the time it aired, but still I had no particular favourite among the teams when I did see it. I just looked further into iKON afterwards, which is how I ended up an iKONIC. But rewatching now, it's so sad to see Team B treated as an obstacle in Team A's way. There's a certain unfairness to being expected to fail just because you're younger than your opponents, but I don't think anyone imagined Team B coming out so strong in all these competitions. YG himself seemed confused as to why Team A wasn't doing better, because he said they normally do very well. He said Team A's problem was that they were afraid of Team B. It's like he's saying that if Team A just conquers that fear, conquers Team B, then they'll be set and on their way. It really minimizes Team B's effort and talent. No one wants to root for the kids who always get it right and always have it easy, and that's who they painted Team B as. Even after Team B's win this episode, the focus was on how unfortunate it was that Team A lost again! And I can't help admiring Team B's mindset. iKON to this day still follows their initial desire to go at a steady pace, to do well, and last a long time. I always respected their maturity and work ethic, which was probably why I had more interest in them after watching this the first time. I don't really remember what happens in the next episodes, so I'm sure I'll be surprised once again by something I didn't notice before. By the way, since you guys asked if we'd want to see you react to 50 Shades of Grey recently (I don't, please, don't make me watch that movie) I had a thought that you could react to some K-Dramas on here! Lol there's a couple that I know Hanbin and other iKON members were obsessed with! It'd be fun to see your reactions to them. Anyway, have a great day guys! Thanks again~~


The show is 100% viewers choice. As simple as that. Not trying to shade team a, their vocals are definitely better compared to team b but no impact back then (just like they mentioned in this ep). Even CL said that he knows every member of team a because the narrative really goes well for them that’s why they were actually surprised about team b’s performance. How well they work together and that those who were not introduced properly in the show were actually really good. And yeah, the way GD and Taeyang did some last minute clean up on their performances, that’s true YG! I haven’t seen other groups (from other entertainment cos) who are really active in their choreographies as well as their stages. There was never the same performance for yg. At least for the senior ones up to Winner and iKON. Unfortunately newer ones like BP and Treasure will be dependent entirely on the management. And YG ent doesn’t feel YG ent anymore tbh.


I love TOP so much, lol. YG needs to leave him alone omg haha. He was attacking him so much while he was minding his own business smh. Jay has such a bitch face and it kills me every time, cause he also has a baby face (especially back then), so it's like a baby with a bitch face. Once again, Team A definitely won vocal wise for me in the first round. I just think Team B isn't up to par with vocals yet. I think they may improve more in mix & match with that. I think Team B's stage presence is better, they seem more loose and carefree on stage. and omg why did they let Song rap? Like honestly, he did pretty good but i mean...okay Song, you go boy lol. What stood out to me is that both teams rappers were probably the highlight of the whole thing, both teams have great rappers. Even with my Taeyang bias aside, i must say team b totally won that for me. I prefer Taeyang's music but i think team A should've picked a better song cause team B's stage just looked overall a lot more exciting in comparison, even with the lacking of vocals. And that goes for the dancing portion as well, cause iKON is clearly a more dance focused group, so the choice of song for team A didn't help with their lack of dance. I was also disappointed and honestly i was rooting for them cause i preferred team B in the first part, so i wanted team b to win the second, even though i just knew ikon would have won since i know hanbin works hard with the dancing for the group. It just wasn't a good song choice nor was it a good choreography...but i can't even blame them cause i don't think that's their thing, though i could be wrong idk. Every group in general has something they lean more towards, and ikon's is dancing while team a's seems to be vocals. And that's kind of my issue with these shows, they have such different styles that it's so weird for me to put them against each other. It's literally like putting G-Dragon and Taeyang against each other. They have TOTALLY different music. I of course love both, but in the end, i'd 100% vote for Taeyang over GD just cause i prefer that style of music, and that's the thing with Winner vs iKON, they have different music, so how can you put them against each other? lol. Every single competition they've had with each other, their music was opposite. That's why I don't care for music shows and stuff, cause how can someone compete with music? haha. It's all subjective in the end. Notice the men voted for team and the girls voted for team a, i found that interesting....idk why. I feel like it means something. I think the guys have more sympathy for team a, cause they know that they have to serve the military soon and if they don't debut now, they never will be able to :( which is quite sad. Idk, i felt like that was the reason here.

Rachel Victoria

Same for me. When I first watched this show I didn't really favor one team or the other until it came to the next challenges. That's when Team A really sparked my interest, and I saw that they really do have something special.


A little late in commenting, but just wanted to say that the way Daesung does his comments(?) is parodying YG (in a way making fun of YG LOL) YG, in his other survival show (kpop star) always used food to analogize and make comments about the contestants. Love Daesung!!! Anyways, loved watching this episode with you guys!


Also, TOP is actually known to be very funny especially when he is with his members (more esp. Daesung). One of his nicknames is BinguTop (Bingu is like Pabo- -dummy[in a funny way]). So much memories with this episode!! Was a very tiring week but this made me smile so much!! again Thank you!!


I love how you noticed how TOP is so random, well, you could say Mino & Junhoe are TOP & Park Bom's children and they belong in the Alien Family because they are all so random. In general, YG artists look very intimidating because of they look and their charisma onstage but when you see their reality/variety shows, you'll find out how much of crackheads they just like how iKON. That's why it's so refreshing to watch their interaction coz it's very rare.


Big Bang & 2NE1 trained together but Big Bang debuted first, so that's why they are very comfortable with each other.

Maricor (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-17 21:09:35 After MIX&MATCH, one of the male trainees from that competition was caught on a date in Japan with a female trainee who was supposed to be part of Blackpink, and it made to the press, so I guess that's when the restriction on the interaction between female and male trainees started. I guess that's why they are not as close as their sunbaes. I also heard that there was (or maybe still is) a couple between Big Bang & 2NE1 and they say that's really where the restriction started. We don't know for sure. I miss YG Family. :(
2019-03-20 23:39:43 After MIX&MATCH, one of the male trainees from that competition was caught on a date in Japan with a female trainee who was supposed to be part of Blackpink, and it made to the press, so I guess that's when the restriction on the interaction between female and male trainees started. I guess that's why they are not as close as their sunbaes. I also heard that there was (or maybe still is) a couple between Big Bang & 2NE1 and they say that's really where the restriction started. We don't know for sure. I miss YG Family. :(

After MIX&MATCH, one of the male trainees from that competition was caught on a date in Japan with a female trainee who was supposed to be part of Blackpink, and it made to the press, so I guess that's when the restriction on the interaction between female and male trainees started. I guess that's why they are not as close as their sunbaes. I also heard that there was (or maybe still is) a couple between Big Bang & 2NE1 and they say that's really where the restriction started. We don't know for sure. I miss YG Family. :(

Cat R

My thing is, Team A had cool moves and more sharp choreo but Taeyang told them they had too much going on so they toned it down..I think they just toned it down TOO much. Either way, it worked out well for both teams! Winner and iKON got to debut and they both are active and doing well for themselves. YG has never been good at managing his artists but as for show editing, YG is not the one who edits the show lol it's MNet that edits it. MNet is pretty well known for evil editing and creating false narratives to achieve the results they want. I do agree that they focused more on Winner in this show and it was like an Underdog story but it did give iKON really good exposure as well and allowed them to gain fans.