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GUYS REACT TO 'RUN BTS' EP. 66 | Behind The Scene


Beverly Natasya

Korea is known for their highway stops, i watched so many korean drama and reality shows, that place always appear on those shows. Like from this picture.. <a href="https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/landscape-seomjin-river-highway-rest-area-wangyang-jeollanamdo-landscape-seomjin-river-highway-rest-area-wangyang-137257670.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/landscape-seomjin-river-highway-rest-area-wangyang-jeollanamdo-landscape-seomjin-river-highway-rest-area-wangyang-137257670.jpg</a> <a href="http://pds.joins.com/jmnet/koreajoongangdaily/_data/photo/2009/10/31183810.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pds.joins.com/jmnet/koreajoongangdaily/_data/photo/2009/10/31183810.jpg</a> And about G7, its from their commercial for LG G7!! :) <a href="https://twitter.com/everythingoesk/status/1071485090583273474" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/everythingoesk/status/1071485090583273474</a> and don't worry about not understand the whole comic thing, me tooo hahahahaa.. btw, are you guys going to read txt posts comments too? i hope you will :) thank you..


I have a suggestion for a show to react to if you guys get the chance. I actually suggested it a while back on one of your older videos but I’m not sure if it was seen, so I thought I would suggest it again just in case. Law of the Jungle episode 247-251. Law of the Jungle is a survival show where guest celebrities have to survive on desert islands, jungles, and other uninhabited places for 3-5 days. Jin is a guest in the episodes I mentioned. I first watched this way back when I first started to get to know BTS and it completely changed my opinion of Jin at that time. I used to think he was kinda narcissistic and a bit of a diva. Law of the Jungle showed me how caring and hard-working he really is and how all he really wanted to do was make people happy. I HIGHLY suggest you watch this. I know you’ll love it. 😊 💜


Can you guys rwact to BTS COMBACK SHOW HIGHLIGHT REEL. It so fun. You can skip the singing part. Here the link kshow123.net/show/2018-bts-comeback-show/episode-1.html#


Hmm.....should I forgive Kevin for missing the last part of my comment??????? lol Uh DUH! Of COURSE! Hehe Well I tried looking up what a spam mayo fried rice looked like (since I was curious as well) and all that kept coming up was spam fried rice lol. WHICH IS DELISH KEVIN! Lol Since I was raised on spam since I was small I love spam so I guess I’m pro spam. You guys should really try it. It’s pretty much like sausage just in a square form lol. Hobie in this episode probably represented many ARMY’s who didn’t grow up or read many mangas lol. He was just as clueless as you guys. Till next video have a great day guys!