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GUYS REACT TO 'W.I.N: Who is Next' EP.3



Ayy, you made it! Obligatory Not so daily reminder I am whipped for iKON and NSD


Yaaaaas!!! Thank you for this!! Been waiting since Monday.. love this episode!


On a different note, I skip every moment YG is talking or on screen cause this fella doesn't just have a punchable face but also a punchable voice and I can't deal with all of the frustrations that'd give me 😷


Is it just me or the video really say unavailable?


Guys the video doesn’t work it says unavailable??!!

Bored Ahjumma

I think you guys are biased to Team B 🙈 Just like the rest of us, iKONICS. 😁 Old or new iKONICS, everybody just felt where this is going. As a person that watched this as it aired back then, I honestly didn't notice how YG crafted and directed the show towards Team A. I just felt a very strong pull towards Team B. These kids are no joke. So talented, so hardworking, did a great job while having fun doing what they love. Ah... I was and still so whipped for Team B. Thank you for reacting guys... 💟

Bored Ahjumma

Oh and btw, you guys mentioned about my user name before. Ahjumma is Korean word referring to a middle age woman. I am not that old 🤣 But close...


It is a long known tradition for YG and JYP to battle their trainees before debut. It happened with Rain & Se7en, then BIGBANG & 2PM before. Now WIN and JYP trainees (Got7 & Day6). Alsoooo last year JYP Stray Kids feature battle with some YG treasure Box trainees... And fun fact, during the airing actually most fans thought YG was biased for team B , even till now ... BI is his favorite golden boy, he did say BI reminds him of GD so I understand his fondness towards him.


When I watched this back in 2013, I didn't know who is Team A or Team B so I couldn't be bias, but then team B still become my fav so maybe the narrative didn't work on me. One of the reasons why people voted for team A is because they are older than team B and if they didn't get to debut at that time, they will be too old to be idol, so they won't be able to be idol anymore.


Actually Blackpink and the new boy group are the only ones at YG that don’t write the music they’re putting out. For everyone else YHS just has to give the OK for the song to be released. Although YHS (or YG) originally made the company and was the CEO for a long time he passed the CEO seat to his older brother (who’s currently the CEO) while YG just stayed as the representative (or face of the company) plus executive producer. He doesn’t write any songs but gives advice on how to make it better or add dance moves to choreography or how to make the moves or powerful and stuff.


I’m kinda curious suddenly but do you guys get notifications when someone comments here???


A lot of people don't like YG, and tend to blame everything little things on him, but he is not the CEO of YG Entertainment anymore, his brother is the CEO now, he is still the founder and head director tho (u can see this info on YG official website) Therefore, I dont know how much percent of decision making is in his hand. YG Ents now is very different from back then when they only have Bigbang and 2NE1. Thing will alway changing rather you like it or not and at the end of the day, it is still a business, and running a business is not easy. I'm growing up watching my parent running businesses so I know that the more emotion you put into it or the more emotion you show people, the harder it will be for you. If people see that you weak, they will eat you up. That's why i can understand if YG is a bit hard or coldhearted. I have been followed YG artists since 2009, so I'm more chill than newer, younger fans I guess.


Ahhh the prank! Lol I almost forgot about this! You guys look so stressed hahahahaha. Btw You’re older??? How old are you guys??


Been itching to answer your question about how every battle turned out but even though we know how it ended, it’s still more exciting to see what happens every ep. i guess just like all other iKONICs here, the narrative didn’t work for me either. I actually hate competitors who bank on sympathy (because that’s usually the narrative of my fellow filo singers competing in other countries, and i’m so sick of it) that’s why I was leaning towards team b despite of me wanting to know team a. It’s like a turn off for me, like come on! It’s a battle of talent, and both team’s are talented in their own ways, that should already be a fair fight. But i get it, it was made for television so needed to add some drama. anyway, hope you guys can also react to iKON’s perf in MAMA 2015 apology, anthem and rhythm ta. More power to you both ❤️


Personally, I am a big Winner Stan and was really biased towards Team A when this originally aired. I only became a Fan of iKON when Mix&Match aired. Btw, I would recommend you to watch both Winner TV & Mix&Match when you finished WIN because Winner TV started immediately after WIN ended and I want you to love the whole YG Family because I do the same. (except everyone is leaving now 😂 honestly, you should Google how many YG Artists left in the last 2 Years 😂)


Okay my comment randomly disappeared so I might be commenting this twice but anyyyyway.... I feel like I need to defend Team A a little? I know I said last time that they had a better narrative, one that definitely supported them, but they didn't win just because of that. They worked really hard and both teams would've deserved the win imo. Team B will experience setbacks and struggles too, don't worry-- this is just the easy part of the show after all ;) but anyway I really like watching this along with you guys and I can't wait for next week YG vs JYP!


I recently binge watched WIN in the hopes of knowing iKon better. Needless to say, I was biased to Team B but also ended up admiring Team A during the course of the show. Imo Team A is so talented and such great performers too that they do not need the drama to begin with. But at the end of the day, ratings do matter and everyone will always root for the underdog. Oh well, I just console myself with the fact that TeamB is better off being the iKon they are now with our baby Chanwoo ofcourse. On a different note, I tried to order the hoodie but I live in the Philippines so the shipping fee made it a little more expensive. Sadly, I cant afford it. But promise I'll keep on supporting you guys in my own little way no matter what. Keep on rockin' you two! 👏👏👏

Jennifer Z

You're not being biased there definitely IS a bias towards Team A and anyone who doesn't see it is fooling themselves. I've said this in the previous episodes as well but you don't see team B's struggles to get to be as good as they are in evaluations. Next episode is really good just prepare yourselves for the cringe editing because there is one lol.

Jennifer Z

You're not being biased there definitely IS a bias towards Team A and anyone who doesn't see it is fooling themselves. I've said this in the previous episodes as well but you don't see team B's struggles to get to be as good as they are in evaluations. Next episode is really good just prepare yourselves for the cringe editing because there is one lol.


I like iKON and WINNER and support both teams because I know they all work hard to achieve their dreams. Always wishing both groups and Taehyun well♡


I feel just like you guys.. because at that time I was rooting for team A because I felt like that way.. like poor guys nothing works for them. Now that I'm seeing again I'm like.. what I was thinking? I mean it's about abilities and improvements not about who had the worst day at the practice or monthly evaluation.. I'm not saying of course team A was not talented or not improving.. I still supporting winner and I think I always will be doing it.. but after debuting my music taste was more like ikon music so I'm more an ikonic now. Ps. I loved the face of you guys while that prank was running😂


I really wish you guys could have known about it and watched this when it was running live just to see if you guys feel the same because whether you want to or not, you see it through the lens of knowing the winner and being the fan of one side already while not knowing the other team at all. Like when I watched it live I wasnt rooting for either side but I always felt like YG loved Team B so much more. He saw them as his little BIGBANG, especially B.I. as his little G-Dragon who he loves so much (as he should since BIGBANG made YG and paid for that whole building with their genius bops). Team A has so much to lose with being older and this being Seunghoon and Seungyoon's second try at being singers (Mino's third try btw). If Team A lost for sure they would have been broken up, dropped from the company, and/or gone off to the military. Had Team B lost EVERYONE knew YG would not split them up (at least all the comments and posts that I saw at the time), he loved them too much (which is why I thought Mix&Match was such a joke because it was already set and just more nonsense torture for the boys). I see where you guys are coming from with the editing but also they just lost, of course it'd be sad because they are sad, and there's little struggles on Team B's part because they've never actually experienced losing or difficulties like that until later on (but I won't spoil that too much its good stuff). Love watching these!

Nat Manna

I was rooting for team A, simply because I couldn't see Kang Seung Yoon (the one who already had solo) failed to debut as a boy group :( But yeah I had feeling that Team B would be something great in the future (since G Dragon praises them a lot), but I just couldn't see myself as their big fans just like now lol


I personally disagree a little on some arguments on 'it's about talent not who had it worst' cause if the person is /talented/ and 'had it worse', then i will usually prefer them over someone talented and not having it worst, of course depending on other things. Because, in MOST cases, the people who have it worst (and are talented), are /usually/ the most humble and deserved it more cause they had to work harder and tend to be more passionate considering their struggles. The best kpop groups are the ones who had the biggest struggles. The best artists are the ones who had a lot of hurdles. But in this case, idk who i would've picked if i wasn't bias towards ikon and BOTH groups had a hard time, they just showed winner going through more of it. I wish i could have watched this live. I feel so tense when i watch people fight, ah. I'm just like 'eeesh okay...i'm just gonna pause and come back later', which is lowkey what i did when watching this. I feel like I'm invading someone's privacy lol. But okay, nvm, it was a prank... I'm watching it with you so i had no idea and i had to wait till you guys got it to understand omg. These assholes, my poor jinhwan lol. They should've done it to Hanbin, he wouldn't take that. He'd be like 'does it look like i care? just get to work' haha. But poor jinhwan was so sweet and even said 'just be gentle to him' when June went to go talk to DK. Jinhwan really has a soft spot for DK. I had the same reaction when Bobby said they were trying to make him happy. Like...give him a hug?? idk but pretending to fight, where's that logic? lol. I mean, i'm not a guy, but you guys seemed surprised too. They're weird, but i love them. When David said 'that was cute' after Jinhwan sang -- i burst out laughing. You sounded so insincere and half-hearted it was hilarious. Once again, I think team A just sounded better. But I also think I just don't like the songs team B chooses lol, so that may be the reason why. BUT I think team b's dancing is better. I personally think winner is better in vocals and ikon is better in dancing, though both are generally great in both. I just don't get how team a can 'have fun' during their performance when their performance wasn't necessarily about being fun? Their song was more 'hard' so idk. Plus, two of their guys are injured. While I don't think you guys are being 100% bias, I do think that MAYBE team b just didn't struggle that much? I could be wrong, but maybe they were just having a better time so that could be why team a just has more screen time, but I do think it's clear YG is biased towards them. Honestly if they loved ikon so much, I don't think they would've made them go through another show then shipped them to japan for so long lol. So the claim that he adores ikon is odd considering he nearly ruined their career. PS: THE BATTLE NEXT EPISODE IS AGAINST MEMBERS OF GOT7 AND DAY6. I watched that a while ago and was so excited seeing baby ikon, got7 and day6.


People voted for Team A because there was a high chance of them not debuting if they lost. They were older and would most likely be disbanded. YG would never split Team B and he obviously favoured them, especially B.I. Up till the end, he wanted Team B to win but was shocked that the public liked Team A better and won. Anyways, Team A was definitely more experienced with better vocals and rap imo. The south korean public preferred solid vocals that's why Team A won. Obviously you guys are biased towards Ikon since you're a fan of them, but both teams definitely had struggles. Team A just had more to lose then.


Guys u really misunderstanding a lot .. yg is not the one who edit the show + yg doesn’t love team a more ..team a won because of the voting and yg cried when team b lost .. and if he doesn’t love team b he wouldn’t debut them as ikon he could’ve just break the team up so i think u should understand moreee


Since a lot of fans are sharing their views on 'who YG favors', i want to share my side on this too. I didnt really watch WIN before cos am not really a fan of cruel shows like these, plus since this is supposed to be a 'reality' show, i know that there will be media manipulation of some kind (all reality shows does). But since i like YG artists i came to like Winner too when they debuted. That time, i do not know much about iKON except for B.I because of his youtube videos and June cos he joined Kpop star before (but didnt really get that far in the competition). While watching Winner tv though, on the last episode, the staff gave Winner a vacation of some sort and there they showed a video of very young kids saying their greetings and encouragement to Winner, and right then, just by seeing them, all members of Winner CRIED. I got curious and watched WIN, and just fell in love with Team B😍. Thus my journey with iKON began. Its been 5 years now! Well going back, i really dont think YG has his 'favorite' between the 2 groups. I feel like he really wanted to debut both groups but he needs exposure for both teams thus WIN. He let the audience vote who to win because hes a businessman and he wont debut a group that wont be supported by the Korean people. Since Team B are obviously talented, their exposure in WIN helped them gain fans and to promote them more individually, they made Mix and Match. Regardless of our opinions on this, one thing for sure is that both teams are talented. Both struggled a lot (by the way donyou know that 1 member of Winner left the group? Taehyun). And they love and respect each other as artists and friends. My comment is loooong..


I saw these too!! On the last episode. He teared up while Team B was performing Climax.


I don’t have much to say about this episode apart from Team A’s vocals are really great!! Baby iKON were mad talented but their vocals weren’t as strong then as they are now, so I don’t feel bad about enjoying Team A’s vocals more this episode. But Team B’s dance is always a showstopper. By the way, Kevin’s girl (😂) is Lee Hi, a YG solo artist and a whole cutie. Also probably my favourite YG singer next to Junhoe and Rosé. Please react at some point to I’m Different, a song by the duo of Lee Hi and AKMU’s Suhyun, ft Bobby!! Such a good song and the music video also stars Jisoo!! 🤩


Omg I haven’t watched all of Winner TV so I never saw that part but after reading this comment I went and watched it on YouTube and I cried real tears 😭


Team B slayed :') You guys are completely accurate about the narrative. I was also a non-YG fan when I first watched and it was very very obvious to me So keen for the Mix and Match reactions after this though... because despite the growth you see during WIN and that Team B continues to deliver ... Mix and Match is a whole other level, you truly see how iKON was formed and how much growth and improvement occurs in the span of months


Yes , and that also answers the question on why Blackpink works well even without a leader. Because they are not full self produced... with Bigbang Ikon and Winner, it would be hell if they have no leader, since somebody have to create everything all the time. 😄


React to some of Lee Hi's music since Kevin thinks she's cute. She's also very talented:)


When I first watched this show, I wasn’t biased to team A or team B, but at the end of the show i was biased to team B. Cos like the CEO said in each episode , he always surprised by team B’s teamwork , so did i. They were more liked a ‘team’ to me, even they were younger , less expenrience, but they growed up together, trusted in each other , trust in BI’leadership , and we can see they made a big progress in each episode. They had fun, made a hidden camera to make jay happy. Their stage is always full of passion, just like them , young free & wild. And also I think the narrative added more stories to teamA. Cos I think team A was more ‘individual’, each one was good, but as a team, maybe less ‘powerful’, we can see they had a fight, they struggled, they didn’t have a leader at the beginning, they were still forming a team at that time. but no matter teamA or teamB, they are so talented. and hope u guys can continue watch Mix & Match after WIN, u can see a huge progress from iKON and it will shock you . And last , I really like your reactions to iKON! thank you!!

Estherlynn Lubin

It’s sad that now some ICs and iKONICS are still fighting because these boys (both BGs) have nothing but love and respect towards each other. Bobby and Mino had a sub-unit (MOBB) and it didn’t work out because of the constant fighting of the fandoms which really sucked for the boys and those of us who truly enjoyed the music that they put out. There are no bad blood in YG Ent. It’s all love and respect. They truly support each other. As for YG, he is not a bad person at all like some people say. He is a businessman and he knows what he wants. That’s it. He don’t treat his artists like shit or they wouldn’t be praising him or be comfortable enough to be making fun of him on all those variety shows.( it’s a thing with YG artists lol) if he was such a bad guy they would not be so carefree. YG said time and time again that it’s about Quality not Quantity. If the music is not up to par, he will not release it. That’s the main reason the artists don’t put out music every year and it also plays in the fact that each group contribute in production of the music (excluding BP). YG also don’t want his artist to compete against each other so they usually don’t release music at the same time. It’s a fact that He needs to improve in his commercial marketing but all in all, His company is the best (I’m not just bias)! There’s never bad blood between YG and his former artist. Once they leave, they can freely promote their music where some companies don’t allow it. He still support his former Artist by posting them and supporting their work. And his trainees don’t have to pay for anything even if they leave (other companies they have to pay back) *sigh* I’m sorry for this lenghty comment but I just got fed up with the YG bashing. This has been Esther! Love you guys❤️❤️❤️ #fighing💪🏾


i am so glad that you guys noticed the narrative. imagine how frustrated teamB fans were when the show was airing 😭 fyi, both team had one whole month to prepare and imagine how hard teamB worked despite being so much younger to get in that level. regardless the outcomes, the attention was always shifted to teamA. see how short the screentime for the winning team during their vacation while showing TeamA who worked hard. no hate to them, just that everything was planned to make audiences like them. even Bigbang Daesung said something about that. AND, all 5 members of teamA had long individual introductions by the second episode while yun, june and dong were no where to be found 😅


this is random but you will see more of the cute girl in Mix&Match and her bickering with Hanbin 😂


Love your reactions guys as always! 💗💗💗 Always looking forward to them. And no I don't think you guys are being bias. Yes you are watching this already knowing about iKON but your facial expressions show that you feel for WINNER as well. And I love how you guys are analyzing the show. I felt before when first watched it that it should focus more on talent and improvement through the series but i felt my heart pulled too for WINNER. At the same time amazed by iKON. Also at the same time, I was already aware of MNET's "evil" editing lol. It was hard even more so then during their final battle. But at same time I felt YG even though he is harsh and ruthless business man /producer, he does wanted to debut both anyway but he really was aiming to debut for Team A first with WIN cause what they really needed more work on is teamwork and leader. Cause they have everything else. Team B have a leader, dynamic teamwork and dancing. What they needed more time on is vocal training cause it was obvious their voices are raw and still changing. On the pranks, I know for sure they do it alot and else especially on Jay the sweet heart the softie. Honestly more thoughts on the show but next time, this weather isn't helping me gather them or type them 😷😫 lol. Your videoes are my daily medicine though but this 🤒🤢 will definitely will keep me from making lengthy comments for now lol. Anyways more power to you guys and will continue to look forward to your iKON reactions. 💗😉💗


I think you guys are being biased, its a tv show and drama makes for good tv. team b had a lot more going on while team b just had practice and prank, of course that makes for good tv for ikonics like us, but then these boys were fairly known and the editors were probably trying to create as much drama as they could to secure ratings. I personally think YG really liked team B , he was fond of the boys, and unlike team A, he praised not just their skills but their behaviors. As much as I dont like YG, I dont think he was being biased, if he really wanted team A , he could have just debuted them , he has the power to, they are much older, so that's a good enough excuse for the public. that's what I think.

Stephanie Chavez Avalos

I remember watching this back in 2017 and I knew of Winner and Ikon and had listened to their music but I didn't know them on a personal level. It really helped me get to know them as artists and individuals.