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GUYS REACT TO 'RUN BTS' EP. 62 | Behind The Scene



it must be very tiring being Tae's hyung lol. You must feed him, he cuddles you in bed, you must carry him around on your back, you have to play with him when he wants, you gotta protect him from dangerous things cause sometimes our boy is oblivious to the world, you must give him attention at all times -- he's kind of like a puppy, no wonder namjoon is tired of him lol. But really, it's sweet. I just recently noticed how Jin treats Tae (cause it's just something i never think about tbh, the pairing is quite rare to me). But the more i noticed it, I realize unlike with Jungkook, Jin actually treats Tae like a maknae? With Jungkook, Jin just jokes with him, like a cool brother, but it's like Tae is his real maknae, in the sense that he sort of treats him like a baby haha. Just think about it, if Jungkook kept having him feed him watermelon, Jin would just smack his hand away (THEN let him have some) but he just feeds Tae, not even thinking twice. So, how would you guys feel if you were friends with tae and he gave you watermelon to hold as he took a bite? lol. (ps: oh my damn, jungkook looked very good this episode. that is all)


First of all, WHAT TIME IS IT FOR YOU GUYS OVER THERE?! 😱 The time I've watched this was like 3:30am lmao 😂 Gotta love the time differences~ Also #RipJiminsNostrils and #SaveTheDuckie 😔✊🏼 I'm just playing around 😂😂 But for reals, it must have sucked to get that much water up his nose lol I always wonder why they have sooo much staff too 😂. I mean as in what's their job and what they do. They're probably directors, writers, stylists, managers, and etc 😔😔 but I'm still curious lmaoo My thoughts are more wild at 3am LOL Love you guys, have a nice day or night~ 😘😘❤❤

NoInspirationFor SomeDecentName

I am one of those people that actually does not watch the behind ep till I am like at home, which is quite late. So I remember on Twitter, I saw so many vids with Jungkook and his wet hair, plus his forehead showing, all over my tl. It actually went viral in local latin twitter, they kept asking who that hot Korean dude was on their tl lmao. Anyway another thing that I noted, and you guys too, is that they have so so so many staff there like for real.. they are like all crammed into that room. What I do wonder is tho, how much time does it take to shoot one run ep... Must be quite some time..


My reaction on the amount of staff was the same...I knew there were ppl but this many? Nope...that was a surprise. Kookie...damn that little boy Kookie. He is too young to look at but this wet hair look screamed ''look at me'' 😭. I hadn't much to say about this behind cam...so I just leave two 💜💜 for each of you and say good night and great job as always.

Maggie Collins

Most of the staff on site consists of camera and camera support. There will be usually two or three stylists for a group this large to take care of anything that comes up like merengue vs. hair incidents, but there are a lot of different angles when you watch this show, so there’s a lot of coverage from a lot of cameras, plus the people on the monitors for the go-pros. these behind the scenes in hotel rooms and saunas demonstrate how many cameras there are when you can get one or two person closeups from more than one angle in the middle of all of the other action. I really like this behind the scenes because Sugar says the only reason he’s being nice to J-hope is because he looks like he’s gonna pass out if he stands up. Suga always seems like he’s nervous about being told he’s playing favorites or something. I’ll bet each of the younger guys rib him about it each time he tries to be his under the radar nice self, and now he’s resorted to announcing that he’s not being nice just to head off the teasing. Like: “I’m not being nice, I just gotta keep you alive cause you’re part of the group or something, jeeze!”


Hi guys, here just to tell you that I always enjoy your reactions. :D Oh yeah about the sauna, I really wanted to go when I was there, but some foreign frieds told me that old ladys will be staring at me all the time. ahahahahah Because you need to enter there naked. So it's a no no for me!!! Maybe there are some places where you can stay with your swimsuit on, but they are mooooore expensive for sure, and it's more similar to a Spa, not like this one for example. This is like a traditional one I think.