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So good news and sorta bad news...lol We got all the parts up and ready to be watched but since I spent most of yesterday re-exporting and re-uploading the parts for this BV I had no time to edit and upload today's video. So basically all of today's videos are going to be either late or moved to tomorrow :\ I'm going to try to get the behind cam by the end of today but that depends if I get enough time to, sorry again and we hope everyone has a good day. Love ya'll! <3 

Password = shootingstar

PART 1 - https://dai.ly/x703wy3 

PART 2 -  https://dai.ly/x703l4p 

PART 3 -  https://dai.ly/x703l4q 

PART 4 -  https://dai.ly/x705rdd 




The reason that Tae was late for BV shooting was because his grandfather passed away right before the shooting. That might be the reason he cried.


Korean distilled spirit?? is Soju. What a mistranslation there. 😑Soju is the most popular Korean alcohol. Its very strong and just matches up with any Korean food. 😁


Loved the episode. All emotions combined...I cried with Tae...I laughed with Namjoon...I felt touched with Jimin and Tae and I felt a little sorry for Jin. Tae crying got me...I think for him it was just one of these nights where the mood was like that. They were all missing Yoongi...the thing with his grandpa...the starry night. Sometimes it is good to let it all out...even though there is not a reason at that moment. My mother would say...tears are clearing your view (I don't know if it makes sense for you but it totally does in German 😂. It means that after crying you will see things differently). But I'm glad that Jimin was there to comfort him. I got a little anxious when they went into the glass store. I was waiting for one of them to drop something. I would definitely drop something. Jin is amazing...although I felt a bit sorry for him that he had to go alone...he was in such a good mood. There would be no way that I would go around alone eating and drinking. You will see what a polite and approachable person he is in the next episode. Love him. Thank you guys 💜


I also worried about someone accidentally breaking something at the glass store.


seeing tae cry made me so sad and when jimin was like 'my baby', i just imagine how sad it was for THEM to see him cry and not really be able to do much, but jhope and jimin were right there comforting him. Especially Jimin, who knew just what tae needed cause he's always there. He was even trying to cheer him up by showing him the moon, it felt like a movie :( ahHHH you missed it! you saw Tae saying beans but you missed why he was saying it. He's so cute. He was saying watch out for beans or whatever, and jhope was like wtf. And Tae says he calls speed bumps 'bean's. He's so precious lol. Never seen game of thrones, to violent for my heart haha. Your worry for when they went into the glass store was literally me, i was like 'oh...no no...oh pls put that down', i had anxiety watching them, especially Tae, Jungkook and RM lol. I loved seeing Jimin and Tae together this episode, you can tell they paired them together on purpose cause tae was sad last night and Jimin knew how to make him feel better and he was keeping his mind off things. He ALWAYS had Tae in his mind, like "tae would like the fountain, he likes pretty things, i'll take him there" or "tae likes these drinks, I wanna take him here" or "you wanted to walk the streets" so Jimin took him to walk, "tae looks the night view, I should show him it" or "tae loves glass objects, lets go there" it's very sweet, Jimin always thinks of people. Why is it that when Jin eats ice cream, the ice cream never gets smaller? Is he not real? Like, it doesn't go away -- does he ever finish it? These are the real mysteries in life. I told you it's like Tae is their kid and J-Hope is this annoyed dad, lol. He's not "no harpoons! stop giving wrong directions! damn this kid". David is out here exposing everyone! "that meow is fake, paid actor!" just leT THEM LIVE. Poor Jin, I wish he stayed home with Kookie? Idk, but i think he had that option but he just wanted to go out? I just felt sad, he's like a drunk guy alone in a restaurant rambling about his friend yoongi lol. Poor thing, but the camera men were there and off screen, maybe they talked to him? I assume...you know, in general you would think yoongi being gone wouldn't feel like much cause he's quiet and pretty known to not do much, a lot of people said his presence wasn't that missed and sometimes they forget he wasn't there, but I really felt the shift and mood change? like even if he doesn't say much, it's like him being there brings SOMETHING. I don't know why, but maybe it's also cause Jin keeps bringing him up lol. That's his tiny, sarcastic drinking buddy and i really wish we could've seen them drink together :'( but it was still a great episode.


I know the guy Jungkook cuddles well spoons inside the tent is JHope but who was other member inside the tent with JHope? I couldn't see his face


Gawd I hate myself for knowing this....but the canister/canteen thing that holds alcohol is called a flask; the one Jungook bought was a hip flask which is illegal in the US. Usually a canteen is associated with water and I have never heard of someone using a canteen for alcohol. Maybe its due to the material the flask is made of which is usually metal whereas canteens are like plastic....? IDK Seriously I'm not an expert lol I just know THINGS lmao haha Great reaction Kev and David!