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Password =  irishbomb

Part 1 -  https://dai.ly/x6yx6ro 

Part 2 -  https://dai.ly/x6yx6rp 

Part 3 -  https://dai.ly/x6yx6rq 

Part 4 -  https://dai.ly/x6yx6rr 




"that fish ain't wet, paid actor!" you guys actually make me cry of laughter. Just let yoongi enjoy his tiny fish hahaha! he looked so proud of that pathetic thing, we must support him lol. Jungkook looks so angry when he's just frustrated like I'm lowkey thinking when he's mad, he gets MAD and it's probably scary af, like you don't wanna mess with him when he's mad...I like how you say they all cook together and then Namjoon is just chilling in the living room, and Tae would have been with him if he was there lol. Namjoon and Tae do nothing. It's for the best, though. Don't worry, I feel left out even when I do get the jokes cause it's not even funny when you do understand cause you don't speak korean. It's the BTS joke effect, sigh. Suga and Jungkook are the best duo cause they're both emo introverts who don't like talking to people, so it works. Sugakookie for life. But like David said, Jimin and RM are a very capatible duo cause they enjoy the same things. They're both very sensitive and in touch with their feelings and love talking about deep topics with each other. Jimin only really talks to Taehyung about his insecurities and stuff, but when Tae isn't around, he goes to RM so that worked very well cause they definitely got closer since the trip. There's been a lot more interaction between RM and Jimin since BV3. J-Hope and Jin are just so embarrassing, i can't tell you how many times I needed to pause and take a break but it's so funny. The funny part is, they were only making fun of Jin's clothes. So you just roasted J-Hope thinking they were making fun of his outfit. But no, his outfit is cool ok. Only Jin looked ridiculous haha. My favorite part is Yoongi teaching Jungkook how to drink different alcohols, though. That's the most big brother/little brother thing I've ever seen. It was adorable for some reason, just seeing Jungkook out of his element a little and Yoongi teaching him. David is over here concerned for Yoongi corrupting the Maknae lol. A lot of fans were upset at Yoongi for leaving Jungkook alone in the streets when he was drunk, saying he was irresponsible for doing that...but idk, I thought it was fine cause the cameraman was with him. Some people really overreact. Like, I get the concern -- never leave a drunk person alone, boy or girl. Especially in a strange place. But he wasn't alone, he was with the crew and I'm sure Yoongi wouldn't have left him if he wasn't. He wasn't wasted, he could easily walk and talk properly. I feel like Yoongi was way more drunk, that boy was rosey-cheeked and walking like an oompa loompa. I worried more for his safety lol, i bet 10 bucks that he needed help getting in the house. People just push a bit too much, they were being very rude to Yoongi and saying he didn't care about Jungkook. Like they just forgot Yoongi said he practically raised jungkook for eight years -- sorry it just annoys me how rude some fans can be. But then there were some people who thought it was funny and called jin and jhope the worried parents of a drunk son walking around the streets lost and made funny jokes about how jin probably texted yoongi this: <a href="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dom_eC5XsAAzT8H.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dom_eC5XsAAzT8H.jpg</a> Anyways, this is my favorite episode, like you said, it was basically three episodes in one. this was so long wow sorry.


It's so weird seeing Tae at the turkish airport cause I literally land there for transfers all the time and used that lounge before, and I'm so used to seeing him in places I've never been so I always get so giddy whenever I see that clip hahaha.


Yoongi and Jin fishing was so heartwarming...one of my personal highlights. They enjoyed it so much that they really went fishing together in Korea. I love how Hobi rushed back to get his shopping bag but gave up searching for the lost house key pretty quickly 😂. Friendship is Irish Bomb...yeah...that is pretty tasty by the way. Yoongi and Kookie had like a father and son moment. Sometimes I think that Yoongi likes when Kookie looks up to him and believes every word he says. I don't even know if everything Yoongi told him was legit 😂. Kookie was so eager to go busking. So glad they let him. He grew to love singing so much. And Kevin...empathy was the right word. Empathy is not feeling sorry...it is to be able to put yourself in someone else's position or situation. Another great episode ended...you will like the next one as well 😁


omg i didn't even think about that! yoongi could have been bullshitting the whole time! i just believed everything he said too -- just like jungkook...he has that power...it's the yoongi effect.


4mo. late but Kookie and Suga's outting had me in tears from laughter. The Irish bomb use to be called the 'irish car bomb' changed for obvious reasons over the years. It's a pint of Guiness beer, and a shot of half Jamison whiskey and half Bailey's Irish cream. You take the shot and drop it into the pint of guiness beer and you have to drink it fast because the irish cream is milk based and will curdle or harden like Yoongi said. The more hilarious part of this, is that it's not a drink you want to be giving to someone right away, like maybe some normal beer first and work upto it. But Yoongi had poor kookie chugging a pint of a pretty strong mixed drink as soon as they entered the pub. And think about it, kookie isn't a big drinker, he was still fairly new to drinking. Now top off that Irish bomb with some whiskey and well.. you could tell Kookie was drunk. Yoongi just leaving him was hilarious too. I mean sure Jungkook had a camera man and at least two other crew members but still. It's the idea of Suga getting the young one drunk then leaving him to fend for himself that's so hilarious.


love your reactions they are both fun and clamming, a bit weird but I feel proud when ever I see Lego in other countrys since i´m from Denmark : )

Carmen Johnson

it's funny looking back on the peace henna tattoo when realizing that he actually got it tattooed on him