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Password = blueraccoon

Part 1 -  https://dai.ly/x6y5mam 

Part 2 -  https://dai.ly/x6y64lh 




I finally had the time to catch up on all your videos. So glad you liked the first episode and the first behind cam. In this season they are very chill...the best part are the new little pairings we will see (you will see some serious Yoongi/Jin action). And drinking lukewarm drinks in hot weather is the best you can do btw. Your body needs more energy to warm up cold drinks, so you will sweat more. Sweating more leads to drinking more...and so on. 😁


Yoongi repeating milkshake is the cutest thing ever. He sounds like a toddler when they learn a new word and just repeat it haha. It's okay, Kevin, I notice Tae is more gone when they do some activities and they'll keep bringing him up and won't let you forget he's gone lol. No you guys definitely didn't go no homo, and that's why i like you guys! You answered and didn't get defensive about it, which is awesome. Since you guys like questions, who in BTS would you like to go in a haunted house with? You sort of answered this in the zombie run bts episode but i wanna see if your answer is the same since you probably forgot.


Just to answer your question about who would drink hot drinks/coffee in hot weather....um.....ME! lol I live on Guam, which is near the equator and we get SUN ALL DAY EVERY DAY EVERY YEAR! The hottest we've had so far is about 93*F. But yeah I NEED COFFEE to function otherwise I am not the lovable, sweetest, and funny Dawn people know lol.

susan matheson

I like the passwords you choose!


Lol. I can’t believe no one mentioned the fact that y’all picked the eternal soulmates of BTS to date. Jimin and Tae. There’s no separating those two even in hypothetical dating scenarios. 😆


And Jin still uses the pencil case for his glasses in BV season 4