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Hey Everyone just wanted to Thank you all for your support this year! This year saw the creation of some really fun pieces not to mention the added assistance of Apollone and the continuation of my comic endeavors! Heres a recap of the year in my favorite pieces lol. This will go up on Twitter soon XD

Next Year...
So first off, I've spent some money and created an online form for filling out commissions! I'm really excited about it.
Next year I really need to increase the amount of commissions I take on. I've found that the emailing back and forth with potential commissioners to take needlessly long, and pulls me out of art creating mode and into business mode and over all just slows down the process when it could be much faster. Also now that I have assistants, the form also makes it a lot easier to quickly share the jobs with them.  This form I think will take care of I think 90% of the process, yet still leave room for special instances not covered by the form.
This I hope will increase the amount of commissions I can take on every month.

I have also listened to requests on Discord and have implemented "Collaborative Commissions" into the form. So if you agreed with up to 3 other commissioners to share the cost of a single commission, you can now do that!
However for the sake of keeping things simple, I will not be taking feedback from multiple commissioners on the same piece, as it becomes impossible to appease the whims of everyone. So only collaborate if you wish to aid an individual with funding of their idea.
This is not meant to be used to create a commission by committee!

You can commission me right now for January using the form here!:

Tinker around with it and see out you like it.
I hope you find it useful and fun to fill out.

Base Commission Prices have Increased by 10%
The original base price has been pushed to the second character.
The prices for the 3rd and 4th additional characters have remained the same as before.

Comics & Monthly Releases
2023 will see the continuation and conclusion of the Sweet Life comic as well as Special Service.
However, I did not receive the kind of financial support I needed to maintain 4 page drops a month. So comics will receive a nerf of 2 pages a month. This doesn't have to be permanent and if support increases and sustains we can return to a higher  release rate up to 4 pages.

Planning for the next comic has already started and it spins off of the events of the Sweet Life comic. ;)

I know this will disappoint many folks, however there is a consolation prize.

Monthly Sketches
I plan to return to releasing story based sexy sketches exploring scenarios and concepts that will be explored in future comics.
There will also be holiday themed sketches returning to celebrate popular holidays, such as Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, Halloween, Easter. etc.
This was something I was disappointed in myself for not continuing.
So I'm really excited to return to this.
Here's an example I did this month.
Apollo will also be assisting with the creation of these sketches, So we plan to have the release be as much as 8 sketches a month!

Patreon Tiers.

Man of the House patrons will enjoy the same price they do now. So with the price increase to commissions, this tier becomes quite the steal. However, as before, it remains strictly a Single Character Flat Color commission with No Background.
So your pieces can only look like these.

I will also be stricter about missed months.  If you fail to make a monthly request, I will no longer be able to entertain roll overs. It is your responsibility at this tier to ensure you get your requests in every month.   

The $1 Tier is a tip tier, and will not receive any content.   Content will only be available from tiers $5 and up.

So that's what you guys can look forward to to 2023!

I hope you will all stay with me and help support me as I continue to bring you guys more sweet smut!
I know some of the changes are not ideal, but at this point in time it is all I know I can reliably deliver while maintaining a healthy life balance as well as my day job work.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years!
Drink and party responsibly and stay safe everyone!
Love you All
See you in 2023!!!



blaidddrwg86 000

I canr seem to find several pictures shown in that calendar


Hey blaid, ah yeah that one was not a Patreon friendly pic. If you are on the discord (which you should be if you are not by now) just @me in one of the channels and I will post it there


DM me then and I'll give you an invite manually. U may not be able to see the rewards channels but you'd at least get acess to the general stuff. We can figure that out later