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Hey Everyone!

   So it's been a while since I addressed you all formally. I figured now is a good time to do so with the completion of "Lara Croft & The Guardian of Pleasure" as well as "Sweet Bedfellows"

So What's next right?

   Well I would like to continue developing Sweet Life canon stories, focusing on different aspects of the Sweets as well as the other families of Cherry Springs.
   The next entry was supposed to be an Aurora and Mayumi story and I was meant to be working with Hugo Tendaz on it. Hugo is a fantastic pinup artist and you can find him on Twitter. The script was finished and sent to Hugo along with a down payment for his services. However Hugo has vanished. This was over a month ago now. He did tell me he was suffering a little with burnout when I paid him, I wanted him to rest up so he could do a good job with this comic, but I expected him to start at least by now. Sadly he hasn't returned any of my messages or emails, I don't believe he would have ditched me, but it does concern me that he hasn't written even an email to update me on where he's at.
   The plan was to have a few pages ready to go on this new comic when Lara Croft and Sweet Bedfellows were completed. So we could keep the pace going.
   So I've been feeling pretty shitty about this set back. Disappointed, but still optimistic. I just hope nothing severely bad happened to him.
   As I said the script is completed and in his hands, I don't want to assign a new artist to it just yet, I want to wait a little while before pulling the plug on him. But for now that comic is likely going to be delayed.

So What's ACTUALLY Next?
   Well in steps another artist. I've recently met a new artist "Apollo One." He has a similar aesthetic to mine, and is very good with blasting out ideas. Sadly I don't have another script ready for him just yet, however we still have the "Sweet Pilot" to finish. You might remember; that comic that got put on the backburner a while back. It featured Sarah playing Dnd with her friends and Bobby persuading Jack to record naughty pictures of his mom Veronica ;)
Well its off the backburner now and imbued with new energy as Apollo has already roughed out a few new pages for it.
   This comic has a lot going on in it as you all know, but that was on purpose so when its finished we can decide together which branch we want to follow next ;) I'm really excited to have help with this comic, and future comics, I think its absolutely necessary for me to have assistance with comics if I'm serious about making them.

   This month while we work on new pages for "Sweet Pilot" I will also be working on a new script for the next Lara Croft comic: "Lara Croft & The Staff of Anubis" as well as "Switching Sides" which will be a Stacy Prattford focused comic. Switching Sides will be a complicated  story to tell, theres going to be a lot going on in it, so I expect that will take longer to write. Lara Croft & The Staff of Anubis will be much simpler, similar to Guardian of Pleasure, so I do plan for that script to be finished by the end of the month.

As you all know my plan is to have comics more regularly churned out. I also want to make a team of artists to help me tell all these stories. So far I know Mark Kleanup will be interested in contributing, and now I have Apollo One. I was hoping to also have Hugo Tendaz, so that is a bit of a set back. I will look for more artists to help me, so we can get the Sweet Life Universe created!

Hope you guys are as excited as I am!
Thank you all for your continued support!



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