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Hey Guys,
So one of my friends is a doctor so I went over by him and he checked out my wrist, and he diagnosed that its early stages of Carpel Tunnel syndrome.

Tingles in the finger tips and all.

So im taking this very seriously.

I will not be doing any drawing until my hand starts to feel better.

Hopefully things will be better in a week or so with rest, stretches and a brace. (Also typing really slowly with my left hand exclusively lol)  I will keep you posted on how things develop.

If in the case of a November shut down...
I will switch off/Put my Patreon on Pause for the month of December.
This means my Patreon will still be up during December, But you will NOT be charged.

During this time I will produce all the art I end up owing you guys for November. Including comics. So please, I encourage you to stay with me through this tough time.
I promise to take care of you guys an square off all my promises in December.
That is IF my wrist doesn't start to feel better before then  

Thanks for your continued  support guys.

If you have any questions or tips on dealing with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome please sound off in the comments.




Hope you get better man


Aw man, that's the worse news. I hope it does get better.


I am so sorry! I wish you a speedy recovery. A buddy of mine suffered from some severe carpal tunnel for about a year or so; only thing that ever really worked for him (according to him) was going on a keto diet, after which the inflammation more or less stopped and his hand feels 'good as new.' I'd take the idea to do a full dietary change with a grain of salt, of course, but I figured I'd mention it anyways. lol


huh. interesting. ive been feeling the opposite hahah craving a salad right now lol Im in a brace right now and taking it easy will keep u all posted! Thank you for the kind words!


Yes, wear that brace! It sucks but as a previous sufferer of "carpool tunnel" (as my little sis says and writes it) the brace is your best friend...

Ranma( Matty)

Yep wear the Brace and Rest that damm Wrist man


Buddy of mine is a drummer and apparently these stretches also just Good Things to Do. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAswAxPbN6M

Earl Benjamin

Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Hoping you have a speedy recovery.


Thank you Earl. I really appreciate the kind words. I can feel my wrist getting stronger every day! I feel I will be back in the game in no time :)