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So last weekend my intuos pro tablet died.
I was freaking out, but I managed to find a temporary solution: A size small wacom of the "NOT pro quality" so basically a tier behind what I lost, in both quality and size.

I figured I would give it a spin, before telling you guys anything. Because hey maybe it won't be so bad. I might get used to it quickly and it will be fine. No need to alarm anyone.

But after today, Day 2 of using it, I have to give you guys a heads up.

This thing is fucking painful to use.

Not only is the tablet too small for me, but the stylus itself is much thinner.
My hands are fairly big, so coupling these two together, means my wrist is under wayyy more pressure than it is used to. That means no marathon drawing like I am definitely accustomed doing, as drawing for 1 hour feels like 3.

So why not order a replacement of the one I lost?

I'm definitly making enough money to a afford one.
Price is not a problem.

It is TIME that is the enemy.

As you guys know I am planning on moving by the end of the month.

Because of covid and lockdown, it takes much longer for overseas orders via amazon and wacom to get to me (to the tune of 2-3 weeks)

This means if I order it now, it can potentially arrive at the end of the month.
This is problematic because I may not be here lol.

I don't want to order it and send it to my new location, because again with covid and travel restrictions its still possible moving may not happen, or it may not happen in the timing I want. Theres still so much uncertainty around my moving.

So for at least a month, I am stuck with this small ass tablet and dancing with the risk of fucking up my wrist due to carpel tunnel.

I'm still working, but I HAVE to take way more frequent breaks to rest my hand.
I DON'T want to fuck my wrist up as that is my ticket to survival right now.

So I'm hoping you guys bear with me again with some (potentially) slow updates and deliveries this month while I try to figure out this mess. T_T    T_T

I'm really not happy about any of this. I'm under a lot of stress and anxiety, and drawing is usually the one thing that I can rely on for calm and peace while also making me feel productive, and currently this is under attack.

I'll keep you guys updated on how things progress.
I have sketches of Alex's Michelle Puller from last month, as well as sketches underway for the Sweet Life comic pages. Its just slow to come about

I'm so sorry for all of this, and the inconveniences this will cause you.
Your support in this tough time means a lot to me.
I will try to figure this out as soon as possible




That sucks to hear. =/ Right now a insurance company from the car that hit me nearly a week ago is being not responsive and dodging both me and my insurance company. My contract job is over and I can't work for UberEats because that crash made significant damage to my car.


Man, you just can't catch a break, can you? Well. Cheers and good luck. Here's hoping you get some slack soon.


I say take as much time you need, my friend; give your poor hand an extended rest, if you can afford to. I hope you find some good respite no matter what.


Thank you for saying that JetSam It means a lot to me. My biggest fear honestly is just losing more patrons than I can afford to. I'm already thinking of a plan to make it all up to you guys in December if things get delayed AGAIN this month.


It certainly feels that way. Im so sorry about all this. thank you for being understanding


Yeah that's a pretty valid fear; I have faith that other patrons will have the patience to wait while you collect yourself, though. I hope I'm right. You put out some excellent work, and it's worth waiting for, honestly.