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Text-less version attached.

Just a teaser image for the first chapter of "Sweet Lemonade"

Gonna be doing 2 pics per chapter, and releasing both pics and the story for early access on patreon, then publicly afterwards.

So consider this a teaser for the higher level patrons!

Hope you like!

So apparently Snizz just made the entire story public. I don't know why he did that, caz he was in on the plan to release the story when more art was done on the project, so yeah I guess the plan for it to be a bigger "thing" just got scrapped. :/

EDIT Again:
He took it off public domain I believe, so back on schedule. I'll drop the chapter after the next pic is done. Sorry for the mixup and the blue balls and what not >.<




Hehehehe, I can't wait then!


DM, this looks so damn great bro. You really should do more with see through clothing or wet T-shirts, Bikini, ETC.


and then Jack will learn about anti-pimping laws &gt;_&gt;