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Recently I have been debating adding other male characters as side characters to Lending Link Out.  It came up while working on Zora chapter, with Prince Sidon making an appearance.

But I need to ask, is that something that would really turn off a lot of my viewers. Many other artists include other male characters in their porn comics but usually only to serve as some kind of "beta male" role  or "supreme asshole to hate" role. I really dont want to do either of those things to Sidon, So the question is, would having another male character who possibly had sex with woman and is NOT in competition with Link ruin the porn fantasy?



I still do not get why you don't want to do the ultimate asshole thing to Sidon, but have no problem doing it to Mikau


But I am not, that idea of Mikau was an old draft from almost over a year ago. I went with that angle to try to change up the whole Ruto plot a little.


Oh. Then do you intend to change that on the doc? And why were you okay with it in the first place?


Seeing as I am probably not going to go with that idea I see no reason to change it. The document had several different ideas, its not all just one idea. I was ok with it because I really didn't have a strong attachment to that character and having a cheating fiance seemed like a good reason to have Ruto to consider Link in the story.


I am glad that you dropped that idea. I sorta liked Mikau, and having him be a jerk is IMO inferior to both"friendl NPC" and "part of Link now." Interpretations


I imagine Sidon is one of those rare bro-mances where Link and he could have an orgy and not be weird by it. Sidon seems too extroverted to me for him to be made uncomfortable by it. I don't know how you feel about male-on-male sex, but it's up to you on that different matter.