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Hello everyone, in my state of the patreon I mentioned some possible changes may be coming soon. I have a rough idea of some changes I wanted to run by you all and see what you think.

Here are are the changes to the different tiers I have been working on.

" $2 (was $1) - access to patron feed, including pin ups and  written scripts (if spoilers become an issue may change) 

 $5 - Access to master lists (milf-shake and Lending Link Out related and comic pages  

 $10 - monthly cache (all pics, sketches and wips made that month in a zip file) and Exclusive polls

$20 (was $15) - Pin-up PSD files upon request

$50, $100 and $200 - Gain access to the work voice chat (Through discord, Daruak not guaranteed, limitations may apply) all previouse rewards for these tiers remain"

(just to clarify, the $100 and $200 patron tiers will remain unchanged for now, just adding the access to the work voice chat sessions)

Keep in mind that anything on this list of changes can change or be dropped before I make any change official. I would really like feedback on this from the lower level patrons.

Specifically on the $2 and the $5 tiers. Right now the comics are in the $5 tier because of issues I have in the past. Whenever I put comics into the lower tiers, I see a DRAMATIC LOSS in patronage.  It was really bad last time.

I feel if I turn the $1 tier to a $2 tier I could POSSIBLY include comics into it but I am afraid I would simply run into the same issue. Whatever tier I move the comics into would most likely become the most popular tier. At the time of me making this post, the $5 tier has almost triple the amount of patrons compared to all the other tier patron counts combined (151 $5 tier patrons to the combined 59 of all other tiers)

I would love to hear from all of you on your thoughts and suggestions. 



What's the monthly cache?


High rez versions of everything I worked on including sketches and wips.


I think as long as the $5 and $10 include the same pictures/comics it's fine, some people want to pay more for those zips. I agree leaving the $1-2 tier as less is probly smart.


I'm not really sure. If you made it to where the $10 tier allowed for previous issues of comics or such, it would likely become the most popular tier, very quickly. At the same time the $5 tier could act as incentive, like if you support me for 'X' number of months and reach this amount you get access to this due to your loyalty. It just a thought, anyway enjoy your work and hope to see more.


I have thought of this, but I wanted each of my rewards to be the same value the first month you are in that tier as the rest of your time in that tier. If I give a reward like a copy of a pdf then people will go into that tier for one month and then go back down. If I did do a pdf, it would have to be a much higher tier. But thank you for your feedback.


$10 seems really expensive for what you get. I'll bet if you pushed the cost down you'd get more subs and fewer leeches. Theres my 2p


I get what you are saying, but the $5 didn't need any more help, it's my most popular tier. The main focus of these changes where to make the $10 to $20 more enticing. What do you think I should add to the $10 tier to make it more worth while?


Also, I kind of went a different direction then listed here. Here are the changes I just rolled out <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-and-tier-9291610">https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-and-tier-9291610</a>