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Of the three Darkest Fandom growth events I ran in the last couple of months, which one did you enjoy the most?

The events where

  • Hallowmoon featuring Sarrissa (Item caused transformations)
  • Lunar Feast featuring Lien (Consumable caused transformation)
  • Lunar Renewal featuring Garrick (NPC caused transformation)

If there was a character, mechanic or other detail you really liked, please let me know in the comments. 

I might make a more specific google sheet or poll about specifics, but right now just want a general idea.



I'll again admit to having a biased opinion for the Lunar Renewal. Also I came in late compared to the other two.

Darryl Williams

Overall, probably Hallowmoon, although if we're distinguishing them by source of transformations, the NPC based would be the most interesting.


This is a tough choice to make.. I liked more than one of the options


Going with Hallowmoon. Lunar Renewal was disappointing in that you gave Garrick Lactomancy, but he only milked one woman.


That's more of a flaw of my own ability, rather than event. I can only make so much content for these events.