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Look who is back. Change her armor up a bit :)


Even in her younger years, when she was part of Shade Hollow Academy's Rules and Conduct Council, Syr Wintergeist enjoyed her work. She enjoyed 'encouraging' law and order through a wide range of means, and that enjoyment grew only greater when she journeyed to the Sun Keep, and joined Archknight Sunstriker's efforts. Over the years, she earned quite an infamous reputation as someone who meted out 'correction' to those who did not follow the Blazing Sun's laws.
It was thanks to this infamy that Syr's betrayal cut so deep. She, the most orthodox, rational, and devoted, had chosen to side with the upstart Archbishop. It had shaken many of the legion's number to their core. They could not help but ask why she would side with the soft-spoken Archbishop, whose gentle heart seemed so at odds with Syr's.
The answer was simpler than any of them guessed. While it was true that Syr didn't agree with how soft the Archbishop was, she detested the endless number of innocents being rounded up, punished, and imprisoned under the Archknight's tyrannical rule. She was, at heart, someone who respected the rules - and Sunstriker had only respected the rules as long as they suited her.


Syr is owned by Karkull

