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(repost, accidentally deleted the original)

Holy Shit it's its 1/3 through March already!

  • Lunar Renewal Event - So far so good. How are you all liking the trainer theme of this event? How about the transformation subject being a dude? Always open to feedback on this.
  • April Event - April Event planning is in the works. At the moment I am leaning away from another growth drive.
  • Other projects - The Darkest Fandom events have really been taking up a lot of my time as of late and I am thinking of giving them a break after the April Event. Really want to move back to the LLO content, finish that visual novel because it had a good start.

Ok, that's all for know. Thank you all again for the continued support. :)




I’ve been liking the current event. It’s been fun seeing all the different trainers, though I imagine that adds a lot more work. I don’t mind the male focus. Admittedly I got a bit more invested in this one because my character became a trainer and won her vote.