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Vaira, the Mantis girl looks good in pink.

Following the War of Two Suns, the Crescent Sun Legion welcomed many new members into its ranks. Vaira was among the first of whose who joined during the post-war, though truthfully, she had already been assisting the Legion. Vaira's abilities with camouflage and deception had allowed her to infiltrate the Blazing Sun and relay their movements back to the Archbishop, greatly aiding the rebellion and saving many lives.  
When the war ended, Vaira attempted to slip away in the night, but the Archbishop intercepted her with an offer, instead. Her freedoms and willfulness would be permitted, if she became a trainer for the legion. In this way, she could continue to uphold her 'act' for a little longer, and still feel as though her path was her own. Thus it was that Vaira the Mantis joined the Crescent Sun.

Vaira belongs to jchristievo



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