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Events after the first poll. Garrick is getting thick there.

The Crescent-Sun Bootcamp was an endless stream of surprises, for Garrick. The giant monkey girl serving as a muscle-building trainer was expected, but suddenly having to wrestle with her and winding up pinned beneath her ass had not been. By contrast, he'd expected the bouncy, bubbly shortstack who cheered for him during the fight to be completely useless, but shockingly, she'd had a whole range of good advice on diet and supplements to share with him afterwards. 
More than anything else, however, was Minerva. He was handed over to her as his primary trainer, and quickly learned that there were forms of magic out there that just didn't seem possible until you actually saw them. Using milk to form blades, shields, flying platforms, armor...he'd never thought for a second that something like that was possible. Or at the very least, not practical
Garrick had a talent for it, but lactomancy came with limitations. For one thing, Garrick couldn't produce his own milk, so he had to drain it from women if he wanted to use Minerva's teachings. Fortunately, Minerva herself had two reservoirs on tap during his training - and she never seemed to get tired of his magic forcing gushing streams of white milk out of her tits. He could suck her breasts for hours, filling tanks with cream, as she stood there and encouraged him to take even more
The fact that she'd started out coldly lecturing him like some ill-begotten child made this abrupt change in demeanor the largest surprise of all.

Garrick Gains;

  • Mind ++
  • Fruitfulness ++
  • Muscle ++
  • + Bond level with Minerva, Lactomancer Lecturer
  • + Bond level with Sharlyn, Monkey Muscle Master (bonus from golden heart)
  • Lactomancy (special trait) - You have unlocked the powers of Lactomancy. The power of your Lactomancy is governed by your mind or fruitfulness stat, whichever is higher.



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