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Hey everyone, hope you are all doing and wanted to update you all on what has been going on here on my patreon.

First I want to say we have gotten over the 1200 milestone, since it happened so early in the month I will be making every attempt to get the 5th picture for the month squeezed in somewhere. Because of how patreon worked in the past I was not sure if I would stay above the milestone or get paid, so I would not provide the milestone reward until after I everything processed at the begining of the month. Since those are no longer issues I have to deal with I will make attempts to get the updated rewards out on the month the milestone is reached, can't guarantee anything, especially if the milestone is reached near the end of the month.

Despite the delay of getting sick at the end of last month I am back on track. Working on some patreon rewards and going to work to get another ruto page done this month. I have also been going over the feedback from the transformation sequence I made, seems most of you like it but also like the full figure sequences as well. I might use the panel style in the future if I feel it fits the transformation better.

This months patreon stream request post is still up and waiting your suggestions. It's another freestyle request month. https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-style-month-7273373

I have also posted a poll to decide the order of the next three transformation sequences, you can find the post about that here https://www.patreon.com/posts/transformation-7430065

Thank you all again for your continued support and your overall support this year. Its been a growing year for my patreon and it's all thanks to you, my patrons. 



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